The Missfits Episode 14: Favourite Comic Book Movies
Welcome to a very special edition of The Missfits. On this week’s show, we’re joined by one of our new contributors and guest Missfit, Miss Nikki Alfaro as well as the co-writer of Gotham Academy (Oct 1) and the new Batgirl (Oct 8), Brenden Fletcher. Nikki and Brenden love pizza so you just KNOW that they’re good people.
The topic of this week’s show is our favourite comic book movies and it’s a fun topic that you don’t want to miss our discussion on. PLUS there’s some talk of Brenden’s books, so that’s also something that you’ll want to listen to as well.
Before we get into that though, we do our regular ol’ recommendations segment and things that we love in the week since we last recorded (it’s like we’re all fancy and professional!) are: Outlander, Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman, Herzog: The Collection, Michael Cho’s Shoplifter, Legend of Korra, Stumptown Vol.1, Seconds and Ruby Sparks.
The Missfits are:
Stephanie Cooke – @hellocookie
Mara Wood – @MegaMaraMon
Melissa Megan – @LissaPunch
The Missfits on Twitter – @The_Missfits
AND our email is podcast@the-missfits.com
Our amazing banner art is by HanieMohd and our theme music is by Eryn Young.