Violent Love #2
Writer: Frank J. Barbiere
Artist: Victor Santos
Publisher: Image Comics

Reviewed by David Hildebrand

Violent Love #2I absolutely loved the first issue of Image Comics new series, Violent Love.  The crime drama is set in the 1970’s and revolves around revenge and bank robbing.  The first issue introduced us to Daisy, a college hopeful whose dreams quickly come crashing down when she discovers her father is involved in his old ways, which just happens to be criminal related.  A tough guy by the name of Johnny Nails employed her father and in the end is the one that takes her father’s life, leaving Daisy looking for revenge.  Violent Love #2 continues with Daisy hot on the trail of the ruthless Johnny Nails.

The story picks up two years later with Daisy robbing a bank in New Mexico and making her escape with a guy named Charlie. Daisy comes across a lot more mature then when we were first introduced to her.  It is very clear that Daisy is willing to do anything to get her much deserved revenge, including using sex to get this guy Charlie to help her out in finding the location of Johnny Nails.  As luck would have it for Daisy, Charlie does indeed have a contact that can lead her straight to Nails.  The pair meet up with Charlie’s contact, Addison and Daisy is introduced to Rock Bradley, Addison’s muscle.  Daisy and Rock only exchange quick quips before she gets the information she needs to chase down Nails.

I very much like what Barbiere is continuing to do here.  Although for the moment,  it appears that the story will be focused more on Daisy. I know that Rock will eventually show back up, I have my own ideas of when and where, but won’t say anything here to spoil the story.  The grandfather and granddaughter also have a quick cameo in this issue. The grandfather is the one telling the story of Daisy Jane to his granddaughter.  I also have theories on where this part of the story will tie into as well.  Barbiere is telling a brilliant narrative, I am very eager to find out if my theories are correct or if he will carry the story into a completely different direction.  Santos’ art is still spot on.  There is still that grindhouse esque feel to the book. From the grittier flashback colors to the darker shadowing of the sensual scenes, Santos does an outstanding job telling the story from a visual perspective.


Buy It! Pick this up!  I was completely wrong on where I thought the second issue would go and it is a nice surprise. The story has moved on a couple of years and Daisy Jane, despite her own criminal activities, is a headstrong heroine that shows she is prepared to handle anyone that gets in her way in order to get revenge for her father.  I like her development so far and look forward to Rock getting into the mix.  When you visit your local shop this week, pick up Violent Love #2!  You won’t be disappointed!

Dave Hildebrand
My name is Dave. I'm in love with all types of film. I enjoy comics, video games, and writing. I also love soccer. I love watching all competitions and I play goalkeeper as well. Hit me up on Twitter @sycotic

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