Scarlet Witch #1-6 Review
Cover by: David Aja
Writer: James Robinson
Artist: Vanesa Del Rey (#1), Marco Rudy (#2), Steve Dillon & Chris Visions (#3 + #4), Javier Puudo (#5), Marguerite Sauvage (#6)
Colorist: Jordie Bellaire (#1), Frank Martin (#3), Chris Vision (#3, #4), Vero Gandini (#4), Muntsa Vicente (#5)
Letters: VC’s Cory Petit
Review by Insha Fitzpatrick
Scarlet Witch’s story is something very near and dear to me. She’s one of my all-time favorite characters in the Marvel Universe hands down. In her very own series, the story is solid with a few bumps in the road, but you’re always wondering where Wanda is going to go next.
In Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff is a character of her own design. She’s broken from the Avengers to solve crimes on her own, but these aren’t any ordinary crimes. They are magical crimes. Yes, Scarlet Witch is basically her own P.I for magical activity. In her story, she is trying very hard to build a new life for herself and atone for the things that she’s done in the past. In the first issue, she finds out that witchcraft is broken. There is a powerful force that is making it come undone and Wanda with her mentor Agatha Harkness, ventures the world and tries to find the source.
Scarlet Witch is the makings of an awesome story. Witchcraft being broken is not only a power start for a story, but it immediately makes you wonder why? James Robinson leads this story and moves Wanda from country to country to find out what’s breaking magic. What’s amazing about the story itself is how much of it is really in Wanda’s head. She’s always thinking and always trying to do the right thing for the right situation. I completely have to thank Robinson for Issue #2 where it addresses a little bit of her mental illness because that’s very important when talking about Wanda.

The one thing I did find cool, yet ultimately distracting was within each issues. There is a different artist for each of the places that she visits and solves crimes & situations. This is pretty cool once you put two and two together to realize how these different styles fit within the story of travel, but at the same time it’s almost very distracting to the story itself. However, I must say some of the artist really captured the new design of Scarlet Witch as well as the story itself. Some of my favorite were Vanesa Del Rey in Issue #1, she was the first artist out and hit the ground running with Scarlet Witch and made it absolutely beautiful. Jordie Bellaire’s colors really makes her art pop as well. Chris Visions (#3 + #4) with his art and colors in Witches’ Road story blew me away. Marguerite Sauvage (#6) art is just completely and utterly enchanting and magically.
Buy It! Scarlet Witch is a new and exciting journey for Wanda and it really brings her to the front and makes her a woman on her own path of self discovery but also self acceptance. It’s going to be an exciting and incredible journey for Wanda to finally fully come into herself and solve the mystery of what’s breaking witchcraft.