Rogues Portal Staff Picks 8.31.2018

by Greg Brothers

Hard to believe but summer is already coming to an end. Before you know it pumpkin spice will invade everything from your latte to your ice cream and everything in between. Thankfully, no matter the season the staff here at Rogues Portal is always working hard to bring you original content.

We started the week out with an advance review of a children’s picture book based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  We got a couple of movie reviews with The Happytime Murders and The Spy Who Dumped Me. And, Tuesday found Anelise continuing her new column having to do with tattoos from different fandom. This week the focus was on the Space Epic Saga.

As always, on Wednesday the site was filled with a plethora of new comic reviews.

So, as you can see, we have plenty for you to go back and check out. Now, without any further delay, welcome to the staff picks for the last Friday in August.

Cory’s Pick


I have been watching Suits since it first aired in 2011. For seven seasons, the show mainly revolved around Mike Ross, a pot-head with an eidetic memory, who uses his ability to get hired at one of New York’s top law firms. However, when he married Rachel Zane, played by a relatively unknown (not anymore!) Meghan Markle, he was written off the show at the end of season 7. I was anxious to see how they would move forward. The hook revolving around Mike Ross provided plenty of drama, and even comedy, but that well was running dry. One thing, however, that they did have going for them, was the strong roles for women and PoC. For example, Jessica Pearson, a black woman, and a badass with a mean streak, who was the name partner of the firm from the onset. She was also written off the show last season, but only because she is getting her own spinoff show, Second City, set in Chicago. Then there is Donna Paulsen, the smart, ever so savvy assistant who has an answer for everything — she’s the best friend that everyone wants! So, what do they do to make up the loss of princess Meghan and her on-screen husband? They make her father, a black man, the head of the law firm, and bring on Katherine Heigl as his enforcer with questionable tactics. So far, season 8 has been one of Suits best seasons yet.

Anelise’s Pick


Some of the best comics fall under the radar and for me one of those is Outcast, written by Robert Kirkman with art by Paul Azaceta, and published monthly from Image comics. Volume 6 of the series was published just this month, so it’s the perfect time for a binge read. The story follows Kyle Barnes, who has been a magnet for the demonically possessed his whole life, which has caused him to be a misunderstood loner. His wife and daughter left him after his attempt to ward of a demon was misunderstood as domestic abuse. And everyone in town just keeps their distance. But now, years later, a spiritual war has come to West Virginia, and Kyle might finally get a chance at redemption. That’s just the story–which is brilliant–but Azaceta’s art is one of my favorites in the industry. His thick lines, bold colors, and masterful use of panel spreads leave me mesmerized. And when you’re mesmerized by a page in which a demon-possessed man has shit himself, then you know it’s good. This comic is not for the faint of heart, but it is honestly one of the best horror series out there.

Greg’s Pick


When you have kids you have to constantly try to find shows that are appropriate for them, while also not going insane yourself. Seriously you can only hear “Chase is on the case” so many times before you hope the dog gets sent to the pound. Thankfully, a couple of years ago I found the show Battlebots. The show has switched channels a couple of times but the production is always the same. Groups of men and women build various robots and then battle one on one in a tournament to determine the champion. Besides being good clean fun when I do let my child watch the show, I feel like they are actually learning something as in between battles they explain how the different parts work and show some of the choices the teams make.

Michael’s Pick

Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theory is a 1997 film directed by Richard Donner about a crazy New York City cab driver Jerry Fletcher (Mel Gibson) who has a magazine dedicated to his far-fetched conspiracy theories and a little crush for Justice Department attorney Alice Sutton (Julia Roberts).

Though his fares, including Alice, believe his theories to be far-fetched, one of them turns out to be a little too correct for dark government agencies. Led by CIA psychiatrist Dr. Jonas (Patrick Stewart), the spoils do everything in their power to silence Jerry. Now Jerry’s only hope is to convince Alice that he is the target of “them.”

Full of action, romance, and great acting, Conspiracy Theory is sure to thrill you and make you question everything you thought to be true. Watch it, before “they” get you.

Gregory Brothers
Ohio born and raised. Avid comicbook fan who is always trying to find time to get through my ever growing read pile. When not working on that I Teach, coach youth sports, and cheer on my hometown Cincinnati teams, and Buckeyes. Can also be heard talking comics and pop-culture on The Comics Agenda Podcast.

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