Lumberjanes #26

Writer: Shannon Watters, Kat Leyh
Artist: Ayme Sotuyo
Colourist: Maarta Laiho
Letterer: Aubrey Aiese
Editor: Dafna Pleban
Publisher: BOOM!

A review by Amelia Wellman

Cin4MrPU4AAqjJbWith issue #25 of Lumberjanes ending on the (slightly horrifying) note of Rosie and The Grand Lodge ladies being carried off by a giant bird, May’s issue opens with the group of adventurous ladies packing their tents, trail mix, and magical kittens to go and rescue their leaders!

The story this issue has our familiar regulars working with a new face: a girl by the name of Hes. She spends a lot of the issue telling the Roanokes cabin how much she dislikes them and it adds an interesting dichotomy of our regular heroines believing they can do no wrong and how some within the camp, but outside their adventures, might perceive them. We’re getting a different perspective on the adventures and it was a twist I didn’t see coming last issue with the set-up of this storyline.

Now, I hate to say it, because I really love Lumberjanes as a whole, but I didn’t dig Ayme Sotuyo’s art. Lumberjanes have managed to have a huge roster of artists that have inked the campers’ adorable adventures, but Sotuyo’s art just didn’t gel with me. I think it was the ubiquitous shapes chosen for the bodies and facial expressions. There wasn’t a huge amount of differences portrayed. There wasn’t any technically wrong with Sotuyo’s work, it just didn’t fit with my personal preferences. Laiho’s colours and Aiese’s letters were on point this issue though, so there was that.

The Verdict
Buy it!
Lumberjanes is never not a good time! If my purposeful double negative doesn’t get that across, I don’t know what will! You know, besides the adventurous storylines, the endearing characters, and the lessons of acceptance, inclusion, and diversity strewn throughout every single issue!

Amelia Wellman
I read, I write, I play videogames, Ghostbusters is my favourite thing in the known universe, but quasars come in at a close second. I've been known to cry at the drop of a hat over happy and sad things alike. I've also been known to fly into a rage if things don't go my way, leading to many a fight in high school and breaking someone's nose on the TTC one time. I'm an anxious introvert but also a loud-mouthed bad influence. Especially on my cat. He learned it from watching me, okay!

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