Lucifer #10

Writer: Holly Black
Artist: Lee Garbett
Colours: Antonio Fabela & Veronica Gandini
Letters: Todd Klein
Cover: Dave Johnson
Publisher: Vertigo

A review by Stephanie Pouliotte

lucifer-10-coverOut of all the comics I’m currently reading, Lucifer issues are what I look forward to the most. I was drawn to this series out of nostalgia for Mike Carey’s run, but stayed for Holly Black’s engaging characterization and gripping plot. In Lucifer #10, we witness the fallout of Lucifer’s battle with his son Tahehiko and his first encounter with his recently reborn Father, who has returned as a dark presence seeking to remake the universe.

Lucifer #10 deals mainly in the aftermath of the last issue, but even as she sets up the overarching plot, Black uses the breathing room to explore the character dynamics. I’ve always felt that Black’s characterization has been fairly true to Carey’s run, particularly her portrayal of Lucifer, but she still puts her own spin on the characters that keeps them fresh and compelling. I wasn’t totally sold on Tahehiko and Rosemary early on in the series, but I like the direction Black is taking with them in this issue. Lucifer’s frankly dismissive attitude towards his son will make it interesting to see how things progress between them. With his own daddy issues to deal with, Lucifer doesn’t spare any sympathy for his next of kin and, as usual, is already planning his next move.

The relationship between Mazikeen and Lucifer was played up a bit too dramatically for my taste, but otherwise Black continues to ground the story in her strong characterization, drawing the reader in with tight, engaging dialogue that wasn’t bogged down in as much exposition as previous issues. Black shifts the tone on a dime and maintains a measured pace leading up to the two big reveals at the end. As hinted on the cover, this issue sees the return of Elaine Belloc, the angelic offspring Lucifer had put in charge of ruling creation, but surprisingly she isn’t the only noteworthy character to make an appearance! Seriously, the stakes keep getting higher and I’m really excited to see where Black is going with this.

Garbett and Fabela once again deliver a gorgeous issue. I absolutely love the art style of this series; I think this artistic team is among the strongest of the current titles out there. From the gruesome detailing of Mazikeen’s face to the cosmic foreboding of the dark presence, in Lucifer #10 we see some of the best penciling from Garbett thus far.

Buy It! Black and Garbett are doing some interesting things with this run; you should definitely grab Lucifer #10 and keep this series on your pull list. As always, I’m highly anticipating the next issue, Black knows how to keep you hooked and coming back for more.

Stephanie Pouliotte
Comics junkie. Internet lurker. Fantastic beast. I spend most of my time immersed in strange and fantastical stories, be it through books, comics, video games, movies or TV shows. Oh and I sometimes writes things down and stuff.

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