This article only covers my personal experience at 2017’s Charlotte Mini-Con and is by no means all-inclusive or covers everything at the con. These are just some brief moments I was able to capture.
On January 28th, 2017, I had the pleasure of attending Mini-Con in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was a one day con that ran from 11 am to 5 pm. Although the venue wasn’t as big as a convention center, the Grady Cole Center was able to hold plenty of vendors, comic creators, fans and cosplayers alike.

I met some cool retailers who had some great comics for sale and didn’t mind chatting for a few moments.

Daniel is the road representative for the store. He had some great vintage comics for sale. We had a great conversation about the store’s intent to expand and the current state of affairs in North Carolina.
There were also great costumes.
Green Arrow and Flash had amazing costumes. I commented on the quality of their costumes and they said, “We’ll send Cisco your kind words”.
Mario and Luigi were hilarious. They stayed in character the whole time walking around imitating the old school animation.
The local CW station was at the con as well. They had a Plinko game you could play and win free gifts. Also, the station had cosplayers that took photos.
And of course, there are creators. I only got to talk to a few of the dozens of comic creators there.From left to right are Jason Latour, Chris Brunner, and Rico Renzi.
The creative team ofIwas at the con and were signing the whole day. Check out our review here! The guys were extremely busy signing, but I was able to chat to Chris Brunner for a bit about his shirt and some collective experiences.
Drew Moss of Terrible Lizard fame and upcoming Copperhead artist was there and did commissions the entire day. I did see him give away copies of Terrible Lizard to kids and I thought that was a kind gesture.

I got some issues of Black Panther signed while overhearing Brian Stelfreeze talk to a prospective artist about storytelling. Listening to his insights about comic storytelling was worth the price of admission alone. Check out our review of the first five issues of Black Panther here!

Hoyt was there and gregarious as ever. We chatted about his upcoming book Adventures in Crime (check out our review here).

Sanford Greene signed both a print and a trade of Powerman Ironfist. He was effervescent and talked to me for a while about the #fiddlefaddle in his book.

Chuck Brown, writer of The Punisher story in Choosing Sides was there. He and Sandford cracked jokes and told me I looked like a friend of theirs.

Matt Wilson, colorist on Paper Girls, Wicked and Divine and many more great comics had a table. His line seemed to continue into perpetuity, but he always made time to talk to each fan.
There were no panels, I think, because it was just a one day con. As such, I leave you with a view of the Charlotte skyline from my hotel room. A beautiful end to a great day interacting with fans and creators alike.