Britannia: Lost Eagles of Rome #3
Writer: Peter Milligan
Artists: Robert Gill, Juan Castro, Brian Thies
Colourists: José Villarrubia, Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Publisher: Valiant
Review by Josh Rose
Assassins, Roman Egypt, missing gold Eagles, and a conspiracy to dethrone Nero. This is what readers can expect from Britannia: Lost Eagles of Rome #3. Antonius Axia and the gladiator Achilla have survived the library fire in Alexandria. After speaking to the librarian, the duo goes to investigate the scout of the army who lost the three eagles, and, in turn, the so-called pharaoh, Ramesses the Twelfth.
What I really like about this series, in comparison with the previous volumes, is how it feels more like a political conspiracy than it does a supernatural mystery. The supernatural element is still there, but it is not the underlying threat to Nero’s reign. Peter Milligan transports readers back in time and treats the superstitions of the day like we would with religions today.
I really like the art by Robert Gill, Juan Castro, and Brian Thies. Their linework is clear and concise. One of the most enjoyable elements is their panel layout. It’s very easy to follow and well-structured. What I noticed in particular is how the panels are rigidly rectangular until Achilla and Antonius fight the assassins. It’s during that fight that the panels are slanted, which give the reading a sense of urgency and speed. When the fight is over, the panels go back to matching the page.
José Villarrubia and Andrew Dalhouse’s colours are exactly what I would expect in Britannia. Being in the city of Alexandria, there are a lot of greys and browns. There’s not a lot of vibrant colours unless you’re the ghostly image of Rubria the Chief Vestal Virgin or fire.
The Verdict: Buy It.
If you haven’t read Britannia: Lost Eagles of Rome before, go get the last few issues. Britannia: Lost Eagles of Rome #3 is another great issue before the rising crescendo of the final issue. The great thing about this series is how isolated it is from the rest of the Valiant Universe, which makes it extremely new-reader friendly. And you don’t need to have read any of the previous Britannia books in order to enjoy or understand this one.