My apologies (as per usual these days) for my lack of recaps. I’ve been drowning in work but I’m back, and I have a few 19 Days recaps for you all to enjoy! In the last chapter, we saw He Tian saving Mo Guanshan from a bottle of coke, which resulted in the teachers wanting to speak to his parents (he also broke a window, and his test scores were terrible, they were not called in because of the can of coke). How will this little doozy pan out? Let’s find out…
The teachers are waiting for He Tian’s parents to arrive but their left feeling surprised and intimidated by the sight and presence of someone else…
OOOOHHHH!!! Finally, 19 Days is getting good again!! I haven’t been excited for such a long time!! The plot was going a little slow and a little boring for me but I can sense that this is leading to something big!! I think we can already guess the underlings will not be there to clean the gym. If I were She Li, I would be very very worried.
Dayum He Cheng is looking fiiine!! I wish I could have the aura that makes everyone quiver in fear at the sight of me!! A new life goal for me! I also completely forgot that Jian Yi and Zhang have also crossed paths with He Cheng before since he works for Jian Yi’s dad. Does that mean He Cheng went against his dad? Are both He Tian’s dad and Jian Yi’s dad working together?! I cannot wait to see that unravel!!
Look at He Tian acting all big and hard in front of Mo Guanshan! He’s such a 14-year-old boy. I wish he would explain to Mo Guanshan what’s going on. He looks soo frustrated and confused!!
Next Chapter: Well they’re definitely going to be cleaning the gym, but I do feel He Tian is going to pay a visit to someone first…