The Flash #1
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Carmine Di Giandomenico
Colorist: Ivan Plascencia
Letterer: Steve Wands
Review by Josh Canales

Opening on yet another retelling of Barry’s transformation into The Flash, we get to meet Officer August and see his motivations, which come into play later. Back in present day, we meet Barry keeping busy in a way only he can; saving people around the world. As per usual, Barry seemingly neglects his everyday commitments and arrives late to a crime scene. Here we again meet August, who it seems has been out of Barry’s life for a few years after the incident that gave him his powers. Being one of the top crime scene investigators, Barry makes quick work of the scene and heads to meet Iris and Wally — which he is already late for.
After the return of classic Wally West, Barry has made it a point to try and spend as much time with the other Wally in his life, the troublemaker from The New 52. Finally meeting up with him and Iris, the three share a nice familial moment, with jokes and clear romantic tension between Barry and Iris. The meeting is cut short when sirens rush by their table, Barry jumps into action; after coming up with a suitable excuse for his absence. Now he has to make a hard choice. Does he save the citizens in the burning apartment building or does he rescue the S.T.A.R. Labs transport under attack?
Of course, Barry thinks he can do both. So he sets off for the apartment building, which is on the way towards the transport. He makes quick work of getting all the helpless citizens out, but was it quick enough? As he arrives to the scene of the attack, his worse fears manifest. He is too late, he cannot save his friend as he faces down a bullet. It’s in that moment something miraculous happens — lightning strikes again. Although this time it’s not Barry who gets hit, but August instead.
While not breaking any new ground, Williamson does well to make an easily accessible and fun first issue. He sets up what’s to come and creates questions for the readers to grab their interest. The Flash #1 did not grab my attention or hit my emotions as much as Flash: Rebirth, but it sets a strong ground for future issues. Williamson gained my trust with Rebirth and really seems to know his Flash, now it’s time for him to show he can tell his story.
Carmine Di Giandomenico does not fail to impress yet again with his second beautiful Flash issue. Each page is full of energy and fantastic panel layouts, he really understands what The Flash requires when it comes to art. The look of determination on Barry’s face as he sets his mind on saving everyone is a look I will never forget. Each movement is captured flawlessly as he runs through panels, and it’s very easy to follow. Di Giandomenico’s art is only complimented by Ivan Plascencia’s vibrant color palette, he brings the issue to life.
The Verdict
Buy it. While The Flash #1 is not a groundbreaking issue, it does well to set up what’s to come. Williamson and team bring a fun and easily accessible first issue to the table, I cannot wait for what’s coming next!