Superwoman #2 Review
Written & Pencils by Phil Jimenez
Inks by Matt Santorelli and Joe Prado
Colors by Jeromy Cox
Letters by Rob Leigh
Review by John Dubrawa
[Super Important Author’s Note: There’s no possible way I can discuss the second issue of Superwoman without spoiling the living hell out of the first, so if you’ve somehow stumbled onto this review without reading the first issue, go do that first. Yes, it’s worth reading.]
When I read Phil Jimenez’ Superwoman #1 last month, I was left gobsmacked. While I knew very little going in–just that it was a book about Lois Lane having Superman’s powers–I was completely unprepared for the revelation that this book was going to be about TWO Superwomen–Lana Lang being the other one–only to have an ending–in which Lois DIES–that absolutely leveled me. I loved it. More importantly than that, however, Superwoman #1 also left me in a state of utter confusion as to what exactly this series was going to be moving forward. Those with a similar feeling after reading the first issue, the second one does little to alleviate that feeling but the series is still showing itself to be a wild ride worth following. Even though this follow-up issue isn’t quite as impactful as the first.
Jimenez is juggling a lot in just two issues, even with one of his characters dead at the end of the first. Lois’ mysterious death is still Lana’s prime concern in the second issue, though she has a lot more on her plate with her husband, Steel, and quasi-nemesis Lex Luthor fully in the mix as well. Both of these characters have an important role to play in what has become Lana’s story, but where that leaves Lois in the future of Superwoman remains a complete mystery. Not to mention the end of this issue suggests a family drama is set to take center stage, which further clouds the focus of this series moving forward. And we are just on the second issue.
Jimenez continues to provide the interior artwork for this issue and just as he did in the first issue, he gets a lot on the page. His page layouts vary wildly in order to incorporate all of the elements of his script, to a point where panels become so small they lack the beautiful detail Jimenez renders in the much more open panels of the book. Of course, Jimenez’ splash pages are still wonderful when there’s room for them, and the colors provided by Jeromy Cox give the art the extra pop it needs in places that demand a little kick.
Buy. I’ll admit that I’m not nearly as high on this issue as the first but that doesn’t mean Superwoman is fledgling. Quite the opposite: the book is growing into a strong Lana Lang narrative with some interesting supporting characters. My only concern is that Jimenez is taking on too much too fast and not leaving enough room for his original conceit of both Lana and Lois sharing the super-spotlight.