It’s Wednesday my dudes! And every Wednesday tons of new comics hit the shelves of your local comic shops. It’s not always easy deciding what to get, let alone what you should add to your pull boxes, so we’ve put together the Rogues Portal Pull List to show you the best comics that you might have missed! Let’s see what’s new for April 25th. Here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
Abbott #4
- A well-written social commentary, combining journalistic investigations with fantasy elements and artwork to die for, this is a title you do not want to miss. – Christoph
- The fantasy element is fascinating, but it’s Ahmed’s character work that has me coming back for more. – Cory
- This limited series has been amazing so far. The backdrop of historical events combined with mystical elements has been amazing. – Greg
Heavy Vinyl TP
- This series about kick-ass girls and music is fantastic. – Anelise
- If you did not catch the series as it came out, here is your chance to read it all at once. Record Store, teen-love, musical mysteries and a secret club. What’s not to love? – Greg
Ice Cream Man #4
- This book is in the running for best new horror series this year. SO GOOD. – Anelise
- The fact that I have no idea what to expect at all with each new issue is refreshing and kinda scary at the same time. – Cory
- One word: creepy. – Jim
Old Man Hawkeye #4
- This story is so dark and wonderful, and I love it. – Anelise
- What Anelise said. – Jim
Anelise’s Picks
Beef #3
This weird food-politics story is compelling.
Regression #9
Bug horror and regression therapy and intriguing characters–yes please!
Christoph’s Picks
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2018 Annual #1
So far the Shattered Gridevent did not disappoint, and even though it’s $8, you need to add this title to your pull list! It’s the POWER RANGERS!
Saga #51
I mean, it’s Saga – nuff’ said!
Star Wars Darth Vader #15
War on Mon Cala. Ackbar against the empire. Vader drowning in the depths of an endless ocean. What more could you want?
Cory’s Pick
Aliens Dust To Dust #1
Gabriel Hardman has become a must-read sci-fi writer.
Frank’s Picks
Avengers #690
I’m gonna keep harping on it until you all read this thing: No Surrender is the best Avengers story in a decade.
J Scott Campbell’s Danger Girl 20th Anniversary #1
The nostalgia is strong with this one. I’m pretty excited to see some of my favorite 90’s eye candy in its raw pencil form for the first time.
Strangers In Paradise XXV #3
The Terry-Verse is in full swing. After last issue, I’m dying to know more about how the Rachel Rising connection will affect the story.
Terrifics #3
The FF is back! Wait, um, nevermind, the Terrifics are terrific! My favorite new dysfunctional team is off to an amazing start. Really, Lemire can do no wrong.
Greg’s Pick
Exiles #2
I loved the first series, and the first issue from this volume showed that this series is unique but has much of the same charm.
Jameson’s Picks
Adventure Time #75
All good things must come to an end, and this is the final issue of the Adventure Time comic run before the show comes to a close later this year. Sad, but a good time to reflect on all the great stories Adventure Time has given us!
Dungeons And Dragons Evil At Baldur’s Gate #1
Honestly I just hope this comic is as epic as the cover makes it out to be. It seems like a real D&D adventure!
Jim’s Picks
Days Of Hate #4
Still hooked on this dystopian thriller!
Kill Or Be Killed #18
I’m looking forward to seeing how Brubaker wraps this comic up in the coming months.
Josh’s Picks
Shadowman #2
This reminds me of the babe. The babe with the power. The power of voodoo. He has a loa attached to him, and a supernatural war is coming.
X-O Manowar #14
Aric of Urth has left the planet Gorin. I wonder what’s next for our spacefaring primitive.
Graphic Novels
Dead Of Winter Volume 1 Good Good Dog GN
This series was SO fun! I love a good boy, and I love zombies. – Anelise
Sharkasaurus GN
Giant shark monster, evolution, religion, romance, and golf courses. This is going to be insane. – Josh
That’s all for this week! Thanks for checking out the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back next week with a brand new list for you to peruse. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel!