
This week we talk about Jim Lee, Tom King, and several stars of the DCEU going on a USO tour to visit troops in Kuwait. Then, it’s onto news that Marvel may start taking character deaths a little bit more seriously and death may become of permanent.

We talk about the upcoming horror movie based on the Magic Eight ball and turn it into a discussion of which games we would turn into a movie if given the chance.

Movie Talk

In between house hunting, Anelise and Michael took in a matinee of Rocketman with a group on a day trip from a local senior citizens home. Give it a listen to see what they thought.

Swamp Thing

The first episode of Swamp Thing dropped on the DCU streaming service. We all got a chance to take it in, and we share our thoughts as to if it is worth the time.

An Oppressive Game of Dodgeball

We talk about some academic papers that have come out to claim that dodgeball is an oppressive game that should be banned in schools.

Comic Talk

We wrap up the night by talking about two comics. We start with Issue #2 of DCeased. What happens as more of the DC Universe falls to the death virus? Then, we check out the new Image comic Thumbs.

The Comics Agenda is hosted by Anelise (Twitter@Anelise.Farris ), Michael (Twitter@mokepf7) and Greg (Twitter@Comicsportsgeek). We discuss new comic book releases each week, in addition to breaking news, movies, and TV.

You can reach us on Twitter @TheComicsAgenda or email us at


Gregory Brothers
Ohio born and raised. Avid comicbook fan who is always trying to find time to get through my ever growing read pile. When not working on that I Teach, coach youth sports, and cheer on my hometown Cincinnati teams, and Buckeyes. Can also be heard talking comics and pop-culture on The Comics Agenda Podcast.

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