My Little Pony wasn’t something I was particularly into as a child. I never watched the series when I was growing up and I couldn’t name any of the characters for the life of me. I can however appreciate the whole Kawaii cuteness they have. I can see why some girls my age appreciate it because they do look really cute. I still wouldn’t necessarily say I’m into the show itself now but I do like the merch they bring out and these Mystery Minis are definitely my favourite merchandise.
Funko has bought out three series of My Little Pony Mystery Mini and this was the first one I bought. I’ve bought at least 4 since then due to the fact that they all appeal to me. I can safely say there isn’t one of tiny little pony figurines I wouldn’t want to collect, they all look really nice and really pretty. There are 12 to collect all together in the first wave of My Little Pony Mystery Minis, two of them being glow in the dark. There are 1/12 chances for each one which is very fair. The 12 characters are:
Derpy (glow in the dark)
DJ Pon-3
DJ Pon-3 (glow in the dark)
Dr Whooves
Lyra Heartstrings
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash ( quite possibly my favourite, hopefully I will manage to snag her the more minis I buy)
Sweetie Drops
Like I’ve stated above I’m not bothered by which one I get since they all look nice anyway. Rainbow Dash would be the favourite due to that glorious mane but I’ll be happy with any.
And I got….
Pinkie Pie!!!
They’re a lot bigger than I thought they were going to be and definitely worth the money in that respect. Her features include: her mane and her tail which are massive, the little Elvis style quiff at the front of her head is adorable!! On her side she has three little balloons. Before I leave you, let me do a little research and find a character profile. I shall be doing this with any up-and-coming My Little Pony articles in the near future too.
Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie is a female Earth Pony and is one of the main protagonists of the ‘My Little Pony Friendship is Magic’. Her full name Pinkamena Diane Pie and she is considered energetic and sociable, and she represents the element of laughter. She works at Sugarcube Corner and lives on the bakery’s second floor with her toothless pet alligator Gummy.
And there you have it, short and simple, my first in many My Little Pony Mystery Mini articles. Be sure to check out our snapchat (roguesportal) where I will unbox more and other products live.