Mech Cadet Yu #9
Writer: Greg Pak
Illustrator: Takeshi Miyazawa
Colorist: Jessica Kholinne
Letterer: Simon Bowland
Designer: Michelle Ankley
Publisher: Boom! Studios
Review by Cory Webber
Mech Cadet Yu #9 is the first issue in a four-part, series-ending story arc. If you haven’t been reading up to this point…I’ll wait. Seriously, this all-ages book is fun, yet filled with heart and emotion. This story picks up where the last issue left off, with Skip and the cadets fighting the incoming Sharg invasion…in outer space
Mech Cadet Yu#9, just like issues before it, ups the ante, exceeds expectations and leaves you wanting more. I’m devastated that this series is wrapping up with issue #12. Pak has done a methodical job at revealing layer upon layer to the universe he has created. The world building has been phenomenal, and it continues with this issue as it hints at a mystery regarding the true origin of the mechs.
Also, his character work is the real draw. The development of the cadets has been great to see, especially that of General Park’s daughter. She has been waffling between the courageous cadets and her less-than-admirable father and his machinations. However, she gets called out for this and makes a decision on where to stand.
As always, Miyazawa’s art is fun, dynamic, and emotional. His facial expressions are precise and help keep the smaller moments as full of intensity as the giant space battles, which are aplenty in this issue. The writing and art combine to keep the pacing tight and efficient.
Also, the overall composition is just gorgeous. While the regular colorist is absent, Kholinne does a great job of fitting in with prior issues, and I mean that as a compliment. I liked how the deeper hues of pink, blue and purple in space contrast nicely with the brighter primary colors of the mechs.
Most importantly, Mech Cadet Yu #9 raises the stakes exponentially and ends on a cliffhanger that made me simultaneously want to throw my iPad across the room and read the next issue. The threat of the Sharg as never felt so dire.
Verdict: Buy it already.
Mech Cadet Yu #9 is more of the same, which is to say that it is charming, intense, heart-filled, and suspenseful. So, don’t let the all-ages label deter you from reading this book!