Sometimes, the best way to talk about a book is to talk about it with your friends.
The way I interact with text is through discourse. My feelings on books – or any kind of writing (hey fanfiction!) – are often formulated over cups of coffee or late nights on Tumblr. I interact with books best when I’m talking about them with others.
So when the twentieth anniversary of Harry Potter came around I approached our illustrious Editor-In-Chief, Stephanie, about writing a series of posts covering my anniversary re-read. Except I ran into a roadblock: I only know how to properly articulate my feelings about these books through discussion with fellow fans.
And this, my friends, has lead to a new project for Rogues Portal: The Rogues Portal Book Club!
Here’s how it’s going to work:
At the beginning of every month we will announce the book we’re going to read with a letter from the month’s host. This will serve as an introduction to the book and to some of the things we’re going to discuss during book club!
On the 4th Monday of every month at 1 P.M. EST we’re going to be asking YOU, the readers, book club questions using the hashtag #RPBookClub on Twitter! We’re gonna talk about how we’ve responded to the book of the month, maybe geek out a little over our favorite characters and scenes, and have a lot of fun.
After our #RPBookClub Twitter session, our team is going to publish our favorite answers and comments on Rogues Portal! (If you would not like your tweets featured on the website, please inform us at the end of the Twitter chat.)
And the cycle continues!
We’re going to be starting with Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (English/Canadian version 4ever). Our first Rogues Portal Book Club/#RPBookClub chat will be on July 24, 1 P.M. EST.
Can’t wait to chat with you guys! See you on the internet!
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