Confession time: I’ve never watched Twin Peaks before. I KNOW I KNOW… I’ve been to all the Twin Peak places before in Washington and I’ve had a damn fine slice of pie (I know references!!!!) but I haven’t watched the series before.
I started watching it a couple of years ago as a show to watch with a friend of mine but not so surprisingly (if you know me) got sidetracked from it.
Paramount has recently rereleased the series on Blu-ray in a new set and I got my hands on a copy. Instead of reviewing the entire series as a whole, I thought I would review all 30 episodes individually throughout all of November and ending the whole thing with my overall thoughts on the iconic David Lynch series (as it prepares to make its way back to TV in the coming months).
Join me (with some pie) and stay tuned for a Twin Peaks piece each day for this month.