Giant Days Volume 2
Cover by: Lissa Treiman
Created & Written by: John Allison
Art by: Lissa Treiman (Chapters 5-6) and Max Sarin (Chapters 7-8)
Colours: Whitney Cogar
Letters: Jim Campbell
Review by Insha Fitzpatrick
If you haven’t been keeping up with Giant Days, what are you waiting for?! Giant Days turns its eyes to the stories between your new favorite girls, Esther, Susan and Daisy as they go through the many adventures of life, friendship, love and academia together in university . Giant Days Volume 1 was an introduction to the girls and the stories inside will melt you. We saw little bit of their life and the friends they’ve made. The stories are simple, but effective and downright charming. Witty, cynical and absolutely brilliant, the girls take the challenges and situations place in front of them and make it something you’ll remember forever.
Giant Days Vol. 2 picks up just where Vol. 1 left off, but with greater adventures and more growing up to do. We see the girls reach different points in their lives. As the dance approaches, each of the girls is faced with a different dilemma going forward. Daisy is trying to figure out what she can do to get over her heartbreak and find out who she likes. Susan embarks on a secret that she can’t begin to tell anyone for fear that they’ll judge. Esther is… well… she’s Esther. She tries to figure out just how she’s going to stay in university and to find a guy who doesn’t just one that ONE thing.
Giant Days is an amazing and triumphant follow-up to Vol. 1. It’s has nothing short of mishaps and character development that makes the comic all worthwhile. John Allison creates, again, a simple world for these girls in university, but it continues to be so much more than that. They are slowly, but magnificently coming into the strong women that they are. Each one of them have their own personal struggles, but getting through it together is something that they know and know well. The illustrations by Lissa Treiman and Max Sarin help bring the girls to life in addition to Allison’s writing. They take our hand and walk us through these characters struggles and achievements, leaving the funny bites and the life journeys for us to love in the process.
It’s an indie that is filled with characters that are completely relatable and world of charm that is important to indie comics.
Buy It! I know it sounds like I’m completely gushing about the comic and that’s because I am. If you’re looking for a great slice of life comic that gives you nothing but smiles and relatability. Get on this. Giant Days also has just been nominated for an Eisner award. So…. you’re gonna wanna pick up Giant Days Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 now.