The news broke that there would be some new Josie and The Pussycats material comic to us very soon. Our amazing Editor-In-Chief Stephanie excitedly expressed her love and excitement for the upcoming Josie and The Pussycats series coming to Archie Comics in September.

The variant covers have sense come out and they all look fantastic. Each one of them bring a different style to the look of our beloved kittens! Stephanie and I are SUPER Josie and The Pussycats fans and have some thoughts about these different variant covers! Take a look at the covers below and then read our thoughts on them underneath.

Stephanie’s Thoughts:
As Insha mentioned, I am INDEED VERY EXCITED for Josie and the Pussycats to be a regular ongoing series from Archie Comics. Generally speaking, I’m not a fan of variant covers because I hate the idea of people spending money on collectible covers (to collect them all!) rather than maybe take a chance on a new series that happens to come out the same week (in addition to the series they’re picking up). Comics are becoming an expensive medium to buy into regularly so I find it pretty hard to justify spending MORE on a variant.

That being said, I need every single one of these covers as a print or postcards or SOMETHING. I have a lot of feelings about all of these variants and most of those feelings can be summed up as such “AHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! THIS IS HAPPENING!!!!!!”

…to be poetic about it.

I don’t want to pick favourites here but IF I HAD TO, some of the highlights amongst the covers are from (in no particular order): Veronica Fish (I love the whole casual bedroom jam session thing happening), Marguerite Sauvage (because she can do NO WRONG), Gisele Lagace (this just screams classic Josie to me with just enough modern), and Colleen Coovers (MELODY LOOKS SO CUTE HERE).

Josie and the Pussycats by Jenn St. Onge

Again, these covers are all PURRFECT (ha ha ha) and they all have such different looks to them that do different things for me. Derek Charm’s band flyer variant looks exactly how I would expect it to look and you can never go wrong with anything Francavilla either. My one bummer thing is that Jenn St. Onge and Genevieve FT didn’t do covers for this because their style (and interests) are WAY in line with what’s going on here.

Anyways… I’m EXCITED. If you couldn’t tell.

Insha’s Thoughts:
There’s no amount of words I can express about my excitement of Josie and the Pussycat’s being an ongoing series for Archie Comics. They’re one of my favorite things about Archie Comics besides Jughead and Sabrina for a very long time. It completely and utterly makes sense that they have a series because HELLO… THEY’RE AMAZING.

I have to agree with Stephanie on variant covers. As much as I love them because I love seeing different styles on the covers, I’d much prefer to get them all in one sitting! It always hurts the wallet to have to dive in and get the same comic with a different cover. GIVE ME A POSTER OF EVERY ONE OF THESE.

Artist I BEG you, put these in your stores. *prayer emoji*

Josie and the Pussycats by Genevieve FT
Josie and the Pussycats by Genevieve FT
All of them are favorites in my book, but the ones that stood out for me the most are: Audrey Mok (she’s helming the art for this bad boy and her art is just… out of this world.), Veronica Fish (Veronica owns my heart from her work in Archie. The Pussycats in their natural habitat makes me smile so much.), Marguerite Sauvage (this perfection needs to just calm down 300% because it’s just perfect), Robert Hack with Steven Downer (this has the greatest type of Nicolas Winding Refn’s Drive vibe to it. So 80’s, so perfect) and Gisele Lagace (like holy hell yes?! It’s super classic Pussycats). The perfection of all the covers absolutely slays me.

I agree with Steph too that Jenn and Genevieve would have made some badass covers. I can’t wait till it comes out, that’s when we’ll get some more fantastic looking interpretations of the girls. Fan-art of Josie and The Pussycats is my favorite fan-art.

I am prepared to continue to be 1000% Pussycat trash.

ALSO: we filmed a little Google Hangout of us discussing the covers more (like we said, Pussycat trash). You can watch here:

Insha Fitzpatrick
co-editor in chief of dis/member & rogues portal. hufflepuff. frmly of talks on film runners. craves horror films. loves true crime. tries her best.

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