Evolution #1

Writers:James Asmus, Joseph Keatinge, Christopher Sebela, Joshua Williamson
Artist: Joe Infurari
Colorist: Jordan Boyd
Letterer: Pat Brosseau
Publisher: Image Comics

Review by Greg Brothers

Horror comics work best when they are at least grounded a bit in reality. So, when Evolution #1 starts with what seems to be a possible pandemic, it grabs the reader’s attention. What could it be that is spreading throughout the world and what effect will it have on humanity?

Evolution #1 consists of four different settings, each with their own unique stories. We have a doctor who has some shady practices, but at the same time may be humanity’s last hope. There is a young boy who seems to have had his asthma cured, even though at the same time he’s developed a rash. We also meet a nun that encounters a parishioner who has developed a grotesque growth. And finally, there is an old man with a history of collecting old, strange movies. Each story runs separate from the other, and it is not until the last few panels that the story overall comes together.

We aren’t told anywhere which writer wrote which part, but it is a credit to the abilities to each of them the way Evolution #1 comes together. The parts of the book all fit together and feel as if one person wrote it, rather than a collaboration. It is very much one voice that sings in harmony as the story develops. Evolution #1 is a slow burn. There are a few panels where the tension escalates as certain elements are revealed and the story moves forward. But, for the most part, everything hinges on those last few pages as everything comes together.

Evolution #1 has an art style that is dark and gritty. Characters are cast in shadows while a distressed art gives the feeling of 8mm lost footage. Combine this look with some of the more muted colors and it leads to a perfectly creepy feel.

Buy it.
My only concern when I saw the lineup for Evolution #1 was that it would become muddled and disjointed with so many chefs in the kitchen. Thankfully the talents of this team were able to avoid such pitfalls. Instead they are able to deliver a horror book that leaves one with more questions than answers as the series moves forward.

Gregory Brothers
Ohio born and raised. Avid comicbook fan who is always trying to find time to get through my ever growing read pile. When not working on that I Teach, coach youth sports, and cheer on my hometown Cincinnati teams, and Buckeyes. Can also be heard talking comics and pop-culture on The Comics Agenda Podcast.

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