Ether #1
Writer: Matt Kindt
Artist & Letterer: David Rubín
Publisher: Dark Horse
Review by Anelise Farris
Ether #1 introduces readers to Boone Dias: an inter-dimensional scientist/adventurer. Boone, being the pragmatic scientist that he is, is convinced that everything can be explained. As such, he makes regular trips from earth to visit the magical inhabitants of Ether. Although he is literally confronted with magic on a regular basis, he is convinced that even magic can be defined and simply reduced to a mass of info and facts.
Nonetheless, in Ether #1, while Boone is making one of his regular trips to Ether, he is recruited by the inhabitants of Ether to help them solve a murder mystery—a case which just might prove to be beyond Boone’s sense of logic. As Boone begins to examine the crime scene, he becomes increasingly confronted with the possibility that perhaps not all things can be explained as neatly as he once believed.
The art and writing of Ether #1 work so well together; it is as though they are done by the same person. The tone of the story is light-hearted, yet it is also weighed down by larger questions such as why we as a society revere fact with the highest regard, and view anyone with different (“less-scientific”) opinions as ignorant. The art reflects this tone as well through bright, sharp art that is not surreal or dream-like, but presents these otherworldly inhabitants as clear and concrete as the earthlings.
The Verdict
Buy it! While the premise itself is compelling—a pragmatic scientist confronted with a case that might expand his worldview—the last few pages of the comic really solidified my interest in continuing this series. As Ether #1 comes to a close, we begin to get more of Boone Dias’s backstory and career as a scientist—introducing new layers to an already intriguing series. Like magical beasts, science, and a careful balance of humor and gravity? Do not miss Ether #1!