The Comics Agenda Episode 32: Dave and Greg’s Excellent Adventure
The Comics Agenda is back with Episode 32: Dave and Greg’s Excellent Adventure
Anelise is gone…..again. She is slacking off in Europe while Greg and Dave stay put in the states. This week we discuss the controversial Divided States of Hysteria, what books/characters that we would like to see make a comeback or rebooted. We discuss Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again #1, Sacred Creatures #1, Babyteeth #2, Batman #25 & #26. Check us out! Rate us! Subscribe to us! Love us!
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Greg Brothers – Twitter: @comicsportsgeek Anelise Farris – Twitter: @AneliseFarris David Hildebrand – Twitter: @Sycotic
You can also follow us on Twitter @TheComicsAgenda
The art was done by the very talented Nicole Bresner. Check out her work at You can also follow Nicole on Twitter: @NicoMysterriou