I want to start off by saying that this might not come off as your typical event review. In fact, I have no idea how to write a review (unlike many of my colleagues here at Rogues Portal), so this might be what I am going to dub as “structured ramblings”.
The Calgary Expo, like many other conventions like it, are different for everyone. Not only in overall experience, but in the motivation to attend in the first place. I went because The Calgary Expo is like an annual vacation for me, I’ve gone almost every year since 2011, as either a volunteer or a paying attendee. It is a chance for me to escape the “real world” and celebrate my nerdom with thousands of others just like me. Also, its just cool to be within mere metres of your favourite celebrities, or just random ones (Joey Fatone comes to mind, what was he doing there?)
There were so many highlights to my weekend, so I am going to try and rank my top five.
- Clark Gregg – He was a last minute announcement to the Expo, and I almost had a heart attack from the excitement. I am a big Marvel Cinematic Universe and Agents of Shield fan. Of course, his panel was funny and insightful, everything I could have wished it to be.
- Marriage proposal – Lady Thor asked her boyfriend to marry her! I was so glad I decided to watch the costume contest this year, just to witness this moment. My friends/local social media moguls Crackmacs caught this awesome moment on video during the costume contest. I am such a sucker for this romantic stuff. https://youtu.be/2romu1wgJI8
This is my new friend Daniel, he really likes light sabers. Photo by Heidi Stobert. New friends! – I planned to meet up with quite a few people I talk to on Twitter but have never met in real life. While I didn’t get to meet up with all of them, I met a few, and they in turn introduced me to even more people. Meeting and spending some time at the Expo with new people gave me a fresh perspective on the event.
- John Barrowman – To this day I have never seen anything he is in, but I just happened to attend his panel a few years ago here in Calgary and I fell in love with him. He definitely did not disappoint this year. He was a riot the entire panel, and even sang!
- Stan Lee – As a big Marvel fan, of course I was beyond excited that Stan Lee chose Calgary as one of his last conventions he will attend (he plans to retire from conventions in September). I am kind of sad that I never got a photo op with him, but it has never been in my budget to do so. I am super surprised but proud that I did not ball like a baby at end of his amazing panel.
Honourable mentions
- Alan Tudyk – He’s Wash from Firefly! Enough said. Also, he gave out autographed wallpaper samples and slippers to those who asked questions.
Just some troopers going down Stephan Ave. in downtown Calgary. Photo by Heidi Stobert. The POW! Parade of Wonders – This is an awesome way for someone (including those who don’t attend the Expo itself) to see all the amazing costumes and some of the guests. Our lovely mayor Naheed Nenshi was the marshal, and I’m sure, to this day, that it confuses the businessmen who work downtown.
- The vendors – I always love to see all the cool nerdy things on sale, and I am always so tempted to buy ALL OF IT. I budgeted one thing to buy, and I chose a Luck Bobblehead (from Fallout)
That’s me, looking badass in my post-apocalyptic housewife costume. Photo by Daniel Keer. I dressed up! – Last minute I decided to pull out a costume I had put together in the fall, but never got to wear out. It was a “post-apocalyptic housewife”, inspired by the Fallout universe (yeah, I really like Fallout)
Overall, The Calgary Expo was amazing and I had a fantastic time. If you want to check out some amazing stories, photos and footage from the event, I encourage you to check out their Facebook page.
Please tweet me @heidamazeballs and let me know what you love about attending conventions!