4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #3
Writer: Matthew Rosenberg
Artist: Tyler Boss
Letters: Thomas Mauer
Publisher: Black Mask Studios
Review by David Hildebrand
June 29th will always be burned in my mind for the rest of my life. It was the day of my last fix. It was the last time I would see the comic 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank for six months. I fell on hard times. I was grinding and shredding up high quality first appearance comic books and snorting the fine lines of paper but it just wasn’t the same, the feeling of euphoria was not there. I then found myself in rehab or maybe it was a mental institution, take your pick. Finally after two months of shock therapy I was ready to go back out on my own, face the world again and find new comics that would bring a smile to my face. Life was treating me well and then the habit showed it’s face again on Dec 21st. That’s right everyone, after a long time of waiting 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank has made its return!
I won’t lie and say that I wasn’t nervous as I began 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #3. I was hoping that I would still be as immersed with the story and the brilliantly written characters as I was with the past two issues. I was very excited that the feeling came back to me on page one! And we finally see the “fucking bank!” The issue hits the ground running as it is revealed that Paige’s father is indeed a bank robber. Paige has no faith in the low life thugs her father is involved with and believes they will not pull off the job successfully, resulting in her dad being left in a rough predicament. So of course the only option our young heroes have is to rob the bank themselves! There is a bunch of laughs as the kids go out to do their own recon, including making their own sleeping gas and Paige putting on a disguise in an attempt to get a tour of the bank they are casing. The bank!! The bank finally makes it appearance! So the title is not deceiving after all!
Rosenberg doesn’t miss a beat with this latest issue. I love all the kids, they each have their own little quirks and personality that makes you want to cheer for them. Despite the situation with Paige’s dad, we are reminded that they are school kids, with typical problems like bullying. Also the back and forth banter between Paige, Walter, “Stretch” and Berger is genuine. I remember growing up with the same type banter amongst my circle of friends. I am also happy to see the artistic talents of Boss. The story is strongly character driven, so the emphasis on the facial expressions is on point, as well as the dynamic reaction details of the kids. He also nails every joke Rosenberg writes with precise visuals. The pair make a great team!
Buy It! I didn’t realize how much I missed this book until I read the first page. I like crime stories and this is a nice spin on a common tale. I love the characters and they come pretty damn close to being a more adult version of The Goonies. So Check out 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank #3, and I hope that it isn’t another six months before the next one! 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank is a helluva drug!