It’s that time of the week again when my favourite manga starring my favourite boys is released! This time it was released on Sunday rather than a Friday or Saturday. Was it worth the wait? Will the manga continue with its heavy dark plot lines? Well, this is what happened…

The segment opens  with Jian Yi and Zheng Xi at the train station. Zheng spots He Tian and both rush over to him realizing that Mo Guanshan is also with him. He Tian invites them along. Jian Yi asks where are they going, and He Tian states that Mo is treating him to food as a form of thank you, even though Mo suggests he was forced into it (of course you were). He Tian asks what is he treating him to which Mo replies ‘…sandwiches’. The other boys chime in with the personal favourite food suggestions. He Tian finally suggests that they all come to his since ‘Don’t Close Mountain’ (Guanshan’s nickname) is a good cook!


They arrive at He Tian house where Mo heads straight to the kitchen and Jian Yi and Zheng Xi play fight on He Tian’s bed. Tian eventually joins in by which point Guanshan screams at them to come and help.


We next see them all in the kitchen where He Tian and Jian Yi help Mo make the sandwiches. Zheng heads to the toilet so Jian Yi asks He Tian of he’s ever kissed someone. The next panel sees a beaming He Tian stating that he has while an overly blushing Guanshan in the background. He Tian states it was very memorable, still beaming from ear to ear. Guanshan asks them to stop talking about such gross things, at which point Jian Yi tells him he’s talking to He Tian not Mo Guanshan.



This is the cutest chapter yet! All the boys are together and it’s really, really cute! Don’t you wish you had someone who looked at you the way He Tian looks at Mo Guanshan?! I do like the fact that neither are alone anymore, they were both so alone and so similar; it’s nice to see they’ve found each other. Zhengi Xi’s eyebrows in one panel just kills me every time! They’re so prominent. Jian Yi is finally acknowledging his kiss with Zheng Xi, so I’m sensing some development to happen between them two. Mo Guanshan’s blushing face! So cute! I think the next chapter will be more about He Tian and Jian Yi talking. Whatever He Tian tells him will affect whatever happens next with Zheng Xi. I can’t wait to find out!!

You can read 19 Days here!


Rhian Dixon
I'm a photographer and lifestyle blogger for my very own website . A manga and anime enthusiast who trains Super Saiyan style, I'm also partial to buying Asian films and never watching them x

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