Vampire Emmy and the Garbage Girl
Margins Publishing
Cover by: Roberta Ingranata
Writer: Pat Shand
Artist: Roberta Ingranata
Letters: Jim Campbell
Review by Insha Fitzpatrick

Vampire_Emmy_Cover-1Vampire Emmy and the Garbage Girl revolves around two very special type of women, an unlikely but special romance and Garbage Day.

Vampire Emmy and the Garbage Girl starts with the day of your new favorite vampire girl Emmy. She spends a lot of time watching Netflix and ordering blood and cheese fries. Yes, she puts them together. Yes, she’s absolutely adorable. She marks Garbage Day on her calender then comes out in a Cthulu mask to take out the trash. Because she’s a vampire, you can image that the sun has a heavy effect on her. She marks Garbage Day for another special reason as well. Emmy has developed a crush on a girl that she first only knows as Garbage Girl, but later finds out her name is Annabelle (yes, she’s absolutely adorable too). After Emmy succeeds in one of her plans to get her attention, the both of them learn secrets about each other that they never would have imagined.

Let me say this right out of the gate… I loved this comic. Even though it’s such a short comic, Emmy and Annabelle made me want to know more about them. We get some of the background on Emmy’s dating life, but we don’t know too much about Annabelle and even that’s completely okay! The mystery behind these two ladies is sort of why they’re together and it’s a deeply beautiful match made in heaven.

Pat Shand writes both of these women and the overall story with a lot of heart and honestly. The best thing about the writing is that it’s not your typical supernatural story, but it’s very much a regular type situation and he writes that so well. This story could be universal taking out the supernatural elements, but having them there is so much worth while once you see and know these two women. I love Emmy and Annabelle’s characters more than anything. This is the story of how they blossomed into something fantastic and it’s brilliant.

Roberta Ingranata art shines in this as well. Vampire Emmy and the Garbage Girl is all done in black and white (except for the cover) and the details on everything is very well thought out and amazing. Within the first page, I was hooked because of how much details are actually in her drawings. The small details that she gives to the clothing, the hair, the background and more are super dope. Each panel wants to pull you deeper into the page and figure out how she’s doing it with such simper precision and such detail.

Buy It!
Vampire Emmy and the Garbage Girl is the cutest and most adorable comic I’ve read all week. I heavily recommend it if you’re into super cute girls and the not so typical supernatural story. If you’d like to pick up a copy of this comic, Margins Publishing will be at FlameCon in August! You can also pick up a physical and digital copy of this comic on their Gumroad, Inc store

Insha Fitzpatrick
co-editor in chief of dis/member & rogues portal. hufflepuff. frmly of talks on film runners. craves horror films. loves true crime. tries her best.

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