Triggerman #1
Original Story: Walter Hill
Adaptation: Matz
Artist: Jef
Translater: Edward Gauvin
Publisher: Titan Comics
Reviewed by David Hildebrand
Triggerman #1 was released at the beginning of October. I have had a hell of a time tracking down a copy, but finally got my hands on one! Triggerman comes straight from the mind of Walter Hill, the amazing writer and director that was behind such films as The Warriors, 48 Hours, and Extreme Predjudice. It was adapted by the French duo Matz and Jef, then translated back into English by Edward Gauvin. Triggerman is the first entry into Titan Comics’ “Hard Case Crime” and it doesn’t disappoint!
The setting is 1930’s Arizona. An unknown figure walks into a mostly deserted bar. He walks up to the bartender and requests a whisky. After a wink and a nod, the liquor is produced and this is where the man starts up a conversation about the music playing in the background. He quickly turns his attention to inquiring about a man named Blondie Egan. The situation goes south quick and like a scene out of the movie Desperado, the place erupts into a firefight. The end result is the unknown man surviving the shootout and leaving the bar with a lady that was in the middle of the bedlam right behind him asking for a ride.
Turns out the guy is named Roy Nash, a member of the mafia and recently busted out of prison by the Chicago Mafia for one last job. The young lady in tow is Rose Malone. She comes across as a very beautiful femme fatale that will no doubt throw a curve ball into Nash’s plans. The pair are your typical crime noir cookie cutter characters, but it works! Roy Nash is a man that “fixes” problems that need to be fixed. He’s your tough looking thug that we have all seen before. What is intriguing about him is that he is ignoring the lovely Rose Malone. She is your typical “young girl goes to LA to become famous” gal. She isn’t afraid to get nude and offer herself to him. But Nash is more focused on the lady in his stopwatch, his former lover, Lena.
Triggerman is a pure hardboiled, crime noir story. We have seen this story before, but this one captured me right out of the gates with the pair of characters. Hill’s story is nothing mind blowing. It’s a by-the-numbers first issue that gives you just enough to whet the appetite, craving more. And I want more!
Jef’s art is absolutely amazing. The first four pages are a silent montage of Nash arriving in town and making his entrance into the bar. It looks gritty and grimy: Jef really makes an impact His designs on Nash and Malone are just as impressive. Nash has your typical “Goodfella” look, while Malone is gorgeous with the curves to match. The stock paper used in the book is very glossy and gorgeous and compliments the art in an outstanding way.
The Verdict
Buy it! If you are a fan of noir stories, then this book is an absolute must. The story is your basic genre noir, but the characters are what make this story interesting for me. I look forward to the next issue where hopefully we learn more about Nash, Malone, and what has happened to Nash’s former lover. If you aren’t as familiar with the genre, Triggerman #1 isn’t a bad starting point to begin with. Check it out!