Hosts: Insha Fitzpatrick (@benwyyatt) & Heather Fischer (@CostumedHeroes)
Twitter: @the_missfits

What happens when you invite six comic creators to chat on a podcast? They talk about their projects, an upcoming anthology, and sword fighting conventions. Wait — no, no, you read that correctly. Join Missfits Insha and Heather as they welcome two creative teams from the upcoming Graham Cracker Comics Ladies’ Night Anthology Volume 5 entitled SISTERS.

Fresh off a successfully funded Kickstarter, check the press release below:

“This annual self-published comic anthology features ten all-ages comics created by 23 women, non-binary, and genderqueer creators. SISTERS is about the bonds we are born into and the ones we choose, exploring the many ways that one can be a sister.

Each year Ladies’ Night picks a different theme and pairs writers, artists, and editors together to make comics. This team-focused approach is based on the production model of mainstream publishers, giving everyone a professional experience. Many of the contributors are working collaboratively on comics for the first time, and most have never been published.

In addition to the 70+ page book, SISTERS, contributors of the Kickstarter also have the opportunity to receive a copy of a 30+ page companion zine, Doin’ It For Themselves. The zine content includes single pin-up illustrations, as well as sequential comics that focus on creative process that provide guidance to readers who want to make comics themselves.

Perks of the Kickstarter include a pair of enamel pins designed by SISTERS cover artist Elizabeth Perez, and a fifth-anniversary keychain designed by previous LNA contributor Dani Knight.


The SISTERS contributors

♡ Abby Shaffer  ♡ Amalia DeGirolamo ♡ Amy Chase ♡

♡ Andrea Pearson ♡ Berta Pascual (Bamidala) ♡ Bethany Duvall ♡

♡ Catherine Satrun ♡ Elizabeth Perez ♡Ellen Linzer ♡

♡ Francesca de la Fuente ♡ Heather Fischer ♡ Insha Fitzpatrick ♡

♡ Jade Armstrong ♡ Kaia Alderson ♡ Kelly Richards ♡

♡ Megan Riley ♡ Rachel Halpern ♡ Rita Martins ♡

♡ Sarah Satrun ♡ Shawnee Gibbs ♡ Shawnelle Gibbs ♡

♡ Vanessa Walilko ♡ Vixtopher ♡


Returning as editors: Caitlin Rosberg, Lauren Burke, Kris Mackenzie, Summer Sparacin, with Editor-in-Chief Megan Byrd.

LNA is cross-promoting with Emet Comics Jelly Vampire campaign. Anyone who backs BOTH of the current Kickstarter projects at a physical reward level will receive a free Love Wins pin.”


Heather Fischer
Heather Fischer is a Chicago based writer, reader, and firm proponent of the Oxford comma. When not playing tabletop roleplay games, she may be found on Bleecker Street.

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