The Event:
Wrestlemania! Technically the biggest event of the professional wrestling calendar even though everybody actually prefers Royal Rumble.
Getting Tickets:
Tickets can be bought online and are released in batches throughout the year. Prices range from around the $60 mark upto close to $1000 or ‘ok that’s not too bad’ to ‘you might have to consider selling an organ.
Travel Tips:
As Wrestlemania has no fixed location there isn’t a lot of help I can give with regards to the actual travel besides figure out where you are going and how you are going to get there before hand. Are you flying in? Great, how are you getting from the airport to the stadium? Driving? Cool, have you thought about car sharing or where you are going to park? No, well you totally should because you don’t want to be driving around for 4 hours trying to find a space.
When you eventually make it to whichever of America’s fine stadiums is hosting the event you need to be prepared to be standing outside for literal hours. They have a lot of people to search and wristband and usher in and it takes time. Luckily, queuing with tens of thousands of people who really love the same thing as you is pretty fun.
With that said, make sure you have something to drink and a snack to hand. Nothing expensive because when you get to the gate you’re going to have to ditch it but no one wants to be the guy who passes out from dehydration before the thing even starts. Seriously, don’t be that guy.
Hotel Arrangements:
Again, where you stay is going to be depend on where Wrestlemania is due to be held, and the best advice I can give is book as far in advance as is humanly possible. The date and location of Wrestlemania is usually announced a full year before it happens, for example we already know that Wrestlemania 33 will be held on April 2, 2017 at the Orlando Citrus Bowl, so you definitely have time to research and book.
Food Options:
Once you’re inside you will access to all of the standard stadium fare; hot dogs, fries, popcorn, y’know the stuff. This can all be a little on the pricey side and as you’re going to be in for the long haul you need to make sure you eat before you get there otherwise you’ll be spending all your pocket money on food and not oversized foam hands as god intended.
Ancillary Events:
Wrestlemania Axxess is a fan convention that takes place on the three days prior to Wrestlemania. It features a whole heap of fun activities and in addition to signings, meet and greets, and photo opportunities, Axxess also hosts matches with the stars of NXT.
Tickets for Axxess start at $55 for a day and while I might not necessarily recommend it to adults it’s definitely a fun experience for families or any little ones that you’re taking along.
Other Need to Know Info:
Wherever Wrestlemania takes you there are going to be literally tens of thousands of other fans from all over the world and they are all going to have something in common with you. They love wrestling as much as you do. This isn’t like a music festival where people just show up to look cool, these are your people so don’t be afraid to show your allegiance. Wear your shirt, or your bandana, or go all out and rock up in full Macho Man cosplay. Start chants with strangers in the street, make friends in the street, on the plane, in the dirty burger joint of your choosing. Wherever you go, I promise you they’ll be there so don’t be afraid to join in and have fun.