Last time we saw the girls it ended on such a cliffhanger. We found ourselves seeing Sun Jing getting slightly over protective of her friend Qui Fang who was asked out by some creep from Sun Jing’s school. Now I don’t think in this new chapter we’re going to see the continuation to this particular storyline because so so sooo much can happen at this party. So who do we think this chapter is going to focus on now? Will it be Qi Fang? Will glasses boy show up? Will it focus on Qin Xiong and Upperclassman? I’m hoping it’ll be them two. We haven’t seen them for a while!
The chapter starts a bunch of party attendees (we don’t really know who they are) are playing cards and whoever loses has to drink. We’re lead to believe the game has been going on for a while now since the only girl in the game is slightly inebriated. We then see Sun Jing and Qi Fang before Sun Jing lost it with that boy and Qi Fang spots them all drinking and playing a game…
Luckily Qi Fang was on hand because God knows what might have happened to her (I don’t mean to go dark, I understand this is a fluffy comic) but even Qi Fang is saying she’s being too naive. This is a nice little breather from the main storyline which I know we’re all dying to know what’s going to happen! I honestly cannot wait!
I love the last panel of this particualr chapter. The colours of the background look like watercolours and it looks soo pretty! Such gorgeous, vivid colours, such a beautiful piece of work.
The fandom is currently divided on these two since so many of us ship Qi Fang with glasses boy, however I’m not really understanding what’s going on there personally. They haven’t had that many interactions for them to be regarded as a ship (or have they? Someone prove me wrong). I actually like these two together.
Next chapter: I believe they’re going to focus on another lot of side characters. I don’t know why but I feel Tan Jiu is going to let wait a tiny bit longer for the outcome of the next chapter!
You can read Tamen De Gushi from the beginning here