In the late 21st-century, a young teenager known as Vess sets out as a new cadet on her trip to Space Camp in Star Pig. Enter a space-dwelling water bear.
In the late 21st-century, a young teenager known as Vess sets out as a new cadet on her trip to Space Camp in Star Pig. Enter a space-dwelling water bear.
Aaron Mahnke has a heavy-weight team behind him to bring us the story of the Duke of Wellington, Monster Hunter. So how does it live up to the billing?
You’ve heard of Star-Lord, now be prepared to meet Star Pig in IDW’s new science-fiction fantasy from writer Delilah S. Dawson and artist Francesco Gaston.
With its twin settings of Victorian England and Alice in Wonderland-esque fairyland, Sparrowhawk #1 creates a fantastical world of manners and magic.
The X-Files: Case Files—Florida Man #1 is a thoroughly enjoyable read from start to finish. The creative team shows such love for these characters!
Novelist Delilah S Dawson has teamed up with Ashley A. Woods to bring a new series to us via Boom! Studios called Ladycastle. Issue