Unnatural #1 Review
Unnatural #1 Writer, Artist, & Colorist: Mirka Andolfo Lettering: Fabio Amelia Publisher: Image Comics] Review by Jim Allegro It’s not easy for a pig
Unnatural #1 Writer, Artist, & Colorist: Mirka Andolfo Lettering: Fabio Amelia Publisher: Image Comics] Review by Jim Allegro It’s not easy for a pig
Blackwood #2 keep up the perfect combo of dark humor with even darker horror that will keep you in for the long haul.
The Bawdy Tales of Lazlo Cale #1 is a pleasant surprise that makes me want to check out Maxwell’s work on Rum Row. It is playful, snappy, and a bit bawdy.
Overall, Marvel Rising: Alpha #1 is a great comic for fans of Squirrel Girl and Ms. Marvel alike, and it’s also a place where newer readers can start.
If you are going to buy a Remender book, read the final issues of Black Science, or look out the new Seven to Eternity arc. SKIP Death or Glory.
Zinnober #1 is not a perfect comic, but, on the whole, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I definitely recommend checking out this high-fantasy indie read.
Jeff Lemire continues the slow burn in Gideon Falls #3. Gideon Falls is one of the few comics that can still actually frighten me.
Privacy is gone, your every online secret laid bare. To survive you must go Analog. While the first issue was mostly setup, Analog #2 is mostly action.
David Lenoir and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou take a sly jab at our adoration for a comic idol in Galactic Junk Squad (Well, More Like Family) #1.