The Simpsons was the first adult cartoon that I ever watched and, as such, will always hold a special place in my heart. The highlight of each afternoon 12/13 years ago was sitting in front of the Television at 6 o’ clock and watching the clan getting up to all sorts of shenanigans! Of course I managed to get my hands on Kid Robots The Simpsons 25 years Mystery Mini Special and I decided to share the unboxing with you guys!
I already assume that you all know what The Simpsons are about, I mean, who wouldn’t know about this loveable yellow family? It set the road for many other cartoons such as Family Guy, American Dad, and Bob’s Burgers. The Simpsons isn’t Mat Groening’s (creator) only show. He also created Futurama which ranks higher than The Simpsons as one of the best adult cartoons, shame it always gets cancelled!
The Simpsons has blessed us with it’s presence for over 25 years now! I’ll be honest, I haven’t watched it in the past two years so I’m not quite sure if it’s still good or not. I remember it took a slight slump and people were informing me it was losing it’s touch but what I’ve read they’ve achieved what no other cartoon has ever achieved before: A Live Broadcast! How insane is that?! And how the hell did they pull it off? Questions for later…
Once I found out Kid Robot had a Simpsons Mystery Mini box I was really excited and turns out they also have a Cartman Mystery Mini box but that will be an article for another time. I have a previous an article about my Kid Robot Mega Man haul and I’m really impressed with their size and quality. The paint job is second to none and you get what you pay for, so I already knew that I would be impressed with whatever I have. It’s worth mentioning that Kid Robot’s mystery mini so embody slight articulation in their arms as well as their head which I feel is a nice touch.
There are characters to collect overall and they are:
- Milhouse as Fallout Boy (2/20)
- Barney as the Plow King (3/40)
- Hank Scorpio (3/40)
- Frank Grimes (1/40)
- Radioactive Man (2/20)
- Fat Hat Homer (3/40)
- Comic Book Guy as The Collector (1/20)
- See My Vest (1/40)
- Mayor Quimby (1/40)
- Matt Groening (1/40)
- Poochie (3/80)
- Bartman (2/20)

Am I on my own when I say that some of these are quite random? Slightly more random than usual? Where is Marge or Lisa? Why Hank Scorpio? Of course it wouldn’t be a mystery mini box without some surprise figurines! Turns out there are quite a few to collect too, there are:
- Tipsy Duff (3/80)
- Edgy Duff (3/80)
- Sleazy Duff (3/80)
- Remorseful Duff (3/80)
- Queasy Duff (3/80)
So you might be in with a chance of getting either of these or…
- Mr. Sparkle – ???
- Mr. Sparkle (Red and White) (1/60)
- Mr. Sparkle (kaiju) (1/120)
And I got….
I’m really happy with this! I’ve always been lucky with Mystery Mini’s and clearly luck is still on my side. He is the most Kawaii figurine I own. The pastel pink and blue really stand out and so does his detergent logo in the front. The paint work as already predicted is amazing and on his back it shows how Mr Sparkle is created! Such a nice touch.

Overall I’m really happy with what I had. Will I buy some more? Hmmm…. well I would try to get the other two Mr Sparkle figures, but with each box being £8.99 and not being entirely fussed on the others…it’s a lot of money to waste, so I think I will leave it at that, but I still have Cartman to open which will be really exciting!