It’s Wednesday my dudes, and that means it’s New Comic Book Day! There are tons of new comics hitting the shelves of your local comic shops every week, and it’s not always easy deciding what to get, let alone what you should add to your pull boxes. So we’ve put together the Rogues Portal Pull List to show you the best comics that you might have missed! Here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
Cold Spots #1
- Cullen Bunn does horror like a pro. – Anelise
- Cullen Bunn and horror? Sign me up! – Cory
- Cullen Bunn could write the phone book at this point, and I would pick it up. As good as all of his books are, horror is where he shines, so I am really looking forward to this. – Greg
Curse Words Summer Swimsuit Special #1
- Curse Words is the best fantasy series out there, and a summer swimsuit special–YES! – Anelise
- The Hole World goes to the beach; what could be a better reason than that to pick this up? – Michael
Mr. And Mrs. X #2
- Kelly Thompson was born to write this book! – Cory
- The more Rogue and Gambit I have in my life, the happier I am. – Greg
Royal City #14
- If Lemire’s name is on it, you know you’re in for an emotional roller coaster–in the best way. – Anelise
- The series is wrapping up soon, and I am really not ready for that. So until then I will enjoy every issue as if it is a fine piece of steak–letting the water colors melt into my mind. So yeah. Pick this up people. – Greg
Thrilling Adventure Hour #2
- Ghost-hunting with quirky characters? Count me in! – Christoph
- Pleasantly surprised by the first, I’m looking forward to what the second installment has. – Michael
West Coast Avengers #1
- If Kelly Thompson’s name is on it, Imma read it. – Anelise
- My sadness when Thompson’s Hawkeye ended was replaced by the joy of hearing she was doing WCA. Plus, the cast is amazing! Can’t wait to see how she writes them all together. – Cory
- West Coast is the best coast. Should be a lot of fun. – Michael
Christoph’s Picks
Action Comics #1002
I love this new Superman by Brian Michael Bendis. It’s funny, has interesting new villains, and I am eager to find out what Bendis has planned for Deputy Chief Moore. She and Superman are a great team.
Hit-Girl #7
Hit-Girl is a fun read every month. You don’t want to miss out on this book!
Justice League Dark #2
A Man-Bat, a Chimp, and a Swamp Thing walk into a bar… plus, Wonder Woman as the team leader! What’s not to love about this book?!
Cory’s Picks
Shanghai Red #3
This book rocks! And Christopher Sebela’s star is rising! I’ve dug the first two issues, and now I’m strapped in for the entire ride.
Wasted Space #4
I’ve heard great things about this book! And now that it’s picked up for a minimum of 20 issues, I have to get in on it now! And you should, too!
Greg’s Picks
Amazing Spider-Man #4
Spencer is doing AMAZING things on this book (See what I did there?).
Batman Kings Of Fear #1
Promises of Scarecrow being scarier than ever before has me interested in this mini-series.
Josh’s Picks
Britannia Lost Eagles Of Rome #2
This is my all-time favourite series from Valiant. This former history student definitely gets his kicks readings about a centurion and a gladiator searching for three lost eagles in Alexandria. They seriously need to bring back the back-page lectures though.
Quantum And Woody #9
Eric and Woody’s powers don’t work when they’re with each other anymore. They’re the world’s worst super duo, so are they any better at superheroing solo?
Shadowman #6
WHAT IS THE SHADOW LOA ATTACHED TO JACK? Origin story time! We’ve gone back in time to the very first Shadowman in history!
Michael’s Picks
Black Hammer Age Of Doom #4
The words “Black Hammer” on the front are enough to have me excited by this excellent series.
Punisher #1
Matt Rosenberg is one of my favorite writers out there. I anticipate the Fresh Start Punisher being up there with the likes of Venom.
Stacy’s Picks
Beasts Of Burden Wise Dogs And Eldritch Men #1
So picture this: it’s a series about a group of intrepid heroes confronting supernatural evil. . . who all just happen to be house pets. Imagine Bunnicula meets Hellboy and you’ve got a pretty good grasp on the basics of Beasts of Burden. Run, don’t walk.
Mother Panic Gotham A.D. #6
Mother Panic is really good you guys, and now, that Violet’s trapped in an alternate Gotham City where everything has gone horribly wrong, this book is even wilder than it used to be.
Real Science Adventures The Nicodemus Job #2
As good as Atomic Robo is (and it’s very good), the Real Science Adventures spin-off mini-series that shades in the backstory of Robo’s world of Action Science are just as interesting as the ones where a robot created by Nikola Tesla fights an (alleged) time-traveling dinosaur. If any of that piques your interest, check it out.
Scooby-Doo Team-Up #41
Scooby-Doo Team-Up is a delight. Each issue is self-contained, goofy fun that’s good for the young and young at heart.
Graphic Novels
Deadly Class Volume 7 Love Like Blood TP
Deadly Class, as a whole, should be everyone’s obsession: a school that trains future criminals is just an awesome premise. Also, the adventures that bring together the different cliques and sometimes destroy them are just fascinating. A must read! – Hafsa
DreamWorks How To Train Your Dragon Dragonvine TP
I must consume anything that has to do with How To Train Your Dragon. I love the story so far (despite having problems with the newest movie’s trailer), so I’m dying to read how the characters are portrayed and developed in this comic. Honestly, this series has the best character development I have seen. – Hafsa
Exit Stage Left The Snagglepuss Chronicles TP
I read this series as it came out. I hope that now that it’s a trade people who slept on it will pick it up. It is a moving story based on a time period that was very real. Check it out. – Greg
Giant Days Volume 8 TP
I have been reading these books religiously since the first volume, and I can’t wait to read what happens next to these three college students. All they wanna do is survive university and have a pleasant time doing so. As all university students experience, not everything goes as planned. Plus the story takes place in England! – Hafsa
Legion Of Super-Heroes The Silver Age Volume 1 TP
As a longtime comics fan, I’ve got a huge soft spot for the Legion. If you’re at all curious about the team after their appearance on CW’s Supergirl and want to read the stories that started it all, this is a great read to introduce the teenagers from the future. – Stacy
Planet Of The Apes Visionaries HC
I love all things Apes! So, what’s not to love about this modernized take on Rod Serling’s original, never-before-filmed screenplay?! – Cory
That’s all we have for this week! Thanks for checking out the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back next week with a brand new list for you to check out. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel!