It’s Wednesday, my dudes, and that means it’s New Comic Book Day! There are tons of new comics hitting the shelves of your local comic shops every week, and it’s not always easy deciding what to get, let alone what you should add to your pull boxes. So we’ve put together the Rogues Portal Pull List to show you the best comics that you might have missed! Here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
Age Of X-Man Nextgen #1
- The next generation of X-Men are training, but when you live in a mutant utopia what are you training for? Looking forward to Ed Brisson’s take on these mutants. – Greg
- Glob is in this one. Moar Glob. – Michael
Batman Who Laughs #3
- This mini series featuring one of the most popular new characters in recent DC history has been just as off the wall as the series and one-shot that introduced him. Snyder is firing on all cylinders here. – Greg
- Snyder is at his best when he writes horror and Batman. We’re lucky to get both here. – Michael
Criminal #2
- Big fan of the Criminal epic. Glad to see it in singles. – Jim
- Issue #1 was my first foray into this series from Brubaker, and I can’t wait to continue/catch up on the rest. – Michael
Hawkman #9
- I have never read Hawkman before, but this incredible series seems to be doing a lot of justice to the character. Exploring the deepest core of what it means to be Hawkman and why he regenerates all over the place. – Christoph
- This series is a love letter to pulp comics like Flash Gordon, and it speaks to the constantly exploring child I was who wanted to be an archaeologist growing up. – Josh
Gideon Falls #11
- If you are not reading this series, you need to be. – Greg
- Lemire at his creepy best. – Jim
- This series is only getting spookier and more exciting. Go catch up if you aren’t up to date. – Josh
Mister Miracle TP
- What I find so great about Tom King’s work is his ability to bring real world fears into this world of superheroes and new gods, and make it compelling. And Mitch Gerads’ art is just so amazing. – Josh
- I love basically anything Tom King does. He seems especially proud of this one…can’t wait to read it. – Michael
Savage Sword Of Conan #1
- Marvel does a great job at reintroducing Conan to the world. I have never read anything about the character before, but I like the story Jason Aaron and his team put out so far. I may have to check out this series as well… – Christoph
- Nice to see a new take on Conan. The Dark Horse character was getting old. – Jim
Wonder Twins #1
- WONDER TWIN POWERS ACTIVATE the shape of a brand new series! Anyone who was a fan of the old Super Friends cartoon will recognize these two. I am hoping that the series is just as fun. – Greg
- I vaguely remember these two existing, so it’ll be good to acquaint myself with them with the help of Mark Russell. – Michael
Cameron’s Picks
By Night #8
This series from the creator of Bad Machinary and Giant Days is a fun, compelling mystery with an odd balance of fantasy, science-fiction, and office humor. Highly recommended.
Oh S#!t It’s Kim And Kim #5
Kim & Kim are violent, vulgar and oddly relatable. This latest series is a lot of fun and is perfect for fans of old-school anime like The Dirty Pair and Cowboy Bebop.
Strangers in Paradise XXV #10
Anything by Terry Moore deserves attention, but his return to the suspense-filled rom-com that gave him his start is the best book you’re not reading.
Greg’s Pick
Mr. And Mrs. X #8
I have loved everything that Kelly Thompson has done with this series. She gets this couple more than any recent writer. A perfect combo of humor and serious. Any fan of the X-Men must be reading this series.
Jim’s Pick
Thor #10
Read it for the art alone.
Josh’s Picks
James Bond Origin #6
It’s the finale to the story of the world’s most famous spy’s formative years during WWII.
Livewire #3
The world needs more women of colour headlining their own series. This one focuses on a woman who can control technology as it analyzes the fine line between terrorist and freedom fighter.
Graphic Novels
Birthright Volume 7 Blood Brothers TP
For a long time, I have been a fan of Birthright. Great worldbuilding, intriguing characters, and you can never be sure who is on whose side. – Christoph
Hit-Girl Volume 3 Rome TP
Due to some necessary cuts to my monthly pull list, I decided to trade-wait this series, and finally the third arc arrives on the shelves. I can’t wait to find out what Hit-Girl does in Rome. – Christoph
Long Con Volume 1 TP
Issue #1 was a real treat. Can’t wait to catch up on this intriguing story about a post-apocalyptic Con. – Michael
Spider-Geddon TP
This Spider-centric event may seem like a cash-grab, building on the hype of the Spider-Verse movie, but it’s actually a whole lot of fun. While not quite as good as an original Spider-Verse event, this series wisely focuses on Miles Morales teaming up with Spider-Ham, Spider-Gwen (now called Ghost-Spider), and others to once again stop the evil Inheritors from devouring them all. – Cameron
That’s all we have for this week! Thanks for checking out the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back next week with a brand new list for you to check out. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel!