Another month, another day, another comic to be read. It’s Wednesday my dudes, which means it’s New Comic Book Day! There are tons of new comics hitting the shelves of your local comic shops. It’s not always easy deciding what to get, let alone what you should add to your pull boxes, so we’ve put together the Rogues Portal Pull List to show you the best comics that you might have missed! Let’s see what’s new for June 6th. Here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
About Betty’s Boob HC
- The subject matter of this comic is near to my heart, so I’m eager to see how the narrative unfolds. – Anelise
- Although the title suggests a more raunchy narrative, this is a story about loss and finding happiness regardless. I’m excited to see how the narrative shows life after loss in what appears to be a silent comic! – Hafsa
Dazzler X Song #1
- The X-Men resurgence continues with one of the characters that gets overlooked way too much. Happy to see the musical mutant get a 1-shot. – Greg
- Very stoked to see Mags Visaggio take on Dazzler, in the writer’s first full Marvel comic! – Mark
Death Or Glory #2
- I’m still dreaming about some of the art sequences involving fast cars from the first issue. Hook, line, and sinker! – Cory
- The first one had a lot of classic car movie vibes like Bullit and Vanishing Point plus a great cast and story. Can’t wait to see how they follow up to a terrific first issue. – Michael
Isola #3
- Our two main characters seem to be on separate journeys now. But can they trust the people they met? Look at the artwork, the silent pages, the slow-paced story, the details of this wonderful, strange world; I love everything about this book! – Christoph
- I love Isola, and my favorite thing about it is the way the reader is dropped into this immersive fantasy world and left to discover how it works on their own as they read. I can’t wait to find out more about it! – Jameson
Justice League #1
- I am cautiously optimistic for this next iteration of the Justice League. I am not sure what to think of the No Justice Mini-Series yet, but Scott Snyder did such a great job with Batman and the Metal event, that I can give him the benefit of the doubt and look forward to reading this series. – Christoph
- Snyder has been on a roll since his New 52 run on Batman. His Metal event, plus the recent No Justice mini-series, have set this book up to be a rollicking ride. Time to buckle up! – Cory
- Enjoyed the No Justice event a lot, so Justice League seems in good hands with Scott Snyder. – Michael
Red Sonja Tarzan #2
- Gail Simone hooked me with issue 1. I’m in this one until the end. – Cory
- Comics’ favorite She-Devil with a Sword meets the Lord of the Jungle! What’s not to like? – Stacy
Anelise’s Pick
Shade The Changing Woman #4
A NCBD with Shade is the best NCBD.
Christoph’s Picks
Batman #48
The last storyline was very underwhelming. It was a bump in an otherwise well-done run. So I am looking forward to my next dosage of Bat and Cat.
Man Of Steel #2
This is my third DC book this week, but, when such raw talent is right in front of you, what can you do. The first issue of Man of Steel was charming and had a lot of heart in it. Plus, I want to see the different artists at work.
Cory’s Picks
Brother Nash #1
A supernatural comic with werewolves, truckers and more, oh my! Sounds like something that will nicely break up my supernatural-lite reading routine.
Vagrant Queen #1
Former child queen, Elida, driven from her home at age 10, returns to her kingdom based on a rumor that her long-lost mother’s whereabouts are now known. Touted as interstellar badassery from Magdalene Visaggio. Sign. Me. Up.
Greg’s Pick
Exit Stage Left The Snagglepuss Chronicles #6
Russell has once again taken a classic Hanna-Barbera character and told a socially relevant story. I am looking forward to see how he wraps this story up.
Jameson’s Pick
Moonstruck #6
This is a great time to start reading one of my favorite series, since issue 6 is the start of a new arc, which features a frathouse full of fairy bros! What could go wrong?
Josh’s Pick
Doctor Who The Seventh Doctor #1
I need something to tide me over until the new Doctor Who aires. Some new-classic Who ought to do.
Mark’s Pick
Rocko’s Modern Life #5
So excited for another issue of Rocko! This mostly-episodic series pays fantastic homage to the source material, all while bringing new humor to the table.
Michael’s Picks
Curse Of Brimstone #3
Cursed anti-hero trying not to destroy his struggling former coal town…compelling story for a timely topic.
Deadpool #1
Looks like Marvel’s “Fresh Start” is kicking into overdrive for the month of June, and this one is at the top of my list.
Doctor Star And The Kingdom Of Lost Tomorrows #4
This has been a great addition to the Black Hammer universe, and I can’t wait to see how it concludes.
Graphic Novels
Athena Voltaire And The Sorcerer Pope TP
If you want fun adventure comics, the only name in town is Athena Voltaire. – Stacy
Black Bolt Volume 2 Home Free TP
Ahmed’s Black Bolt was one of the more refreshingly creative comics of the past 12 months. – Cory
Black Road The Holy North HC
I love historical fiction. Starring one pagan viking, the Church, and a secret that threatens the balance of power in Europe. – Josh
Hellboy And The B.P.R.D. 1955 TP
Hellboy and the BPRD has been a return to old-school supernatural slugfest fun for the eponymous hero. If you haven’t checked out it out yet, you really should. – Stacy
Legion By Dan Abnett And Andy Lanning Volume 2 TP
The Abnett/Lanning era for the Legion (of Super-Heroes) was easily one the finest runs of the series. It’s the John Byrne of the LSH, and if you’ve been curious about the Legion from watching Supergirl I’d recommend both the first and second volumes. The art by Copiel is great and the stories are some of the best of recent years. Long live the Legion! – Stacy
Lumberjanes To The Max Edition Volume 4 HC
Humans and non-humans, let me introduce to you the best series for all ages! Lumberjanes has captivated me from the first volume with young girls solving mysteries and going on adventures. These To The Max volumes help us all catch up more quickly! Can’t wait to read it! – Hafsa
Michael Chabon’s The Escapist Pulse-Pounding Thrills TP
I’ll have more to say on this in my review (plug plug) but I will say that the comics based on the Escapist (the golden age hero created by the character of Chabon’s novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay) are wonderful, both as a tribute to the breadth and depth of the comics medium and just as fun adventure stories. If you haven’t checked them out before, here’s the whole set in one volume. – Stacy
No. 1 With A Bullet TP
This was a great story to read as it was coming out. The idea of oversharing and social media provides a great backdrop for this cyberpunk mystery. Check it out if you have not yet. – Greg
Strong Female Protagonist Volume 2 GN
I’ve been meaning to catch up on this charming web series, which is drawn by one of my favorites, Molly Ostertag! – Jameson
Tales Of Suspense Hawkeye And The Winter Soldier TP
Two of my favorite characters looking for Black Widow from a talented up-and-coming writer: Matthew Rosenberg. I’ve heard great things about this espionage thriller. – Cory
That’s all for this week! Thanks for checking out the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back next week with a brand new list for you to peruse. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel!