Writer: David Pepose
Artist: Jorge Santiago Jr.
Colorist: Jasen Smith
Letterer: Colin Bell
Publisher: Action Lab: Danger Zone

I was particularly excited to pick up Spencer & Locke 2 #3 after the last issue ended with Hero donning a cape of her own. Well, she’s not just following in her father’s footsteps, she’s playing by her rules. It is slightly anxiety inducing, but in a good way? Meanwhile, Pepose takes a beat for deep character development in his own fashion, with killer mutant snowmen and plenty of explosions. Spencer & Locke 2 #3 pushes our heroes to the brink, and beyond. But what really matters is who comes out the other side.

Writer David Pepose told me they had big plans for Hero, and they definitely delivered. She plays it to perfection, and though she learns a harsh lesson, in the end she is not taken lightly. The tension also perfectly sets up the emotional fallout of Locke’s side of the story. Roach recedes into the shadows after another hell of an entrance, putting the final pieces into place while Locke fights for his life six feet under rubble. Spencer and Locke are battling more than just killer mutant snowmen. This issue unpacks a lot of Locke’s past, and it will be interesting to see what his new resolve will reflect in Spencer.

The art just gets better with each issue; the team is really flexing their talent by taking all the right creative risks. There is such variety between the pages as the plot jumps around, yet it all ties together wonderfully. Spencer & Locke 2 #3 uses every inch of the page; you can tell they put in a lot of hours. The mutant snowmen were particularly creepy.  I always really enjoy seeing more of Santiago’s creative artwork. I’m also glad the snowman reference made a comeback. I recall seeing some murderous snowmen thrown into the background of an early issue, but as more of an Easter egg for Calvin and Hobbes fans. Lastly, I obviously love the Hero variant cover (feat. Mr. Rabbit); she is just channeling that Batman/Spawn energy.



Spencer & Locke BFFs for Life


Sweater Capes and Trusty Sidekicks


Attack of The Killer Mutant Nazi Snowmen!


Artwork Flex

Stephanie Pouliotte
Comics junkie. Internet lurker. Fantastic beast. I spend most of my time immersed in strange and fantastical stories, be it through books, comics, video games, movies or TV shows. Oh and I sometimes writes things down and stuff.

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