If there is one constant in life, it’s loss. The loss of innocence. The entropy that rules our universe. In the case of Will–the protagonist of Mazebook–it is the loss of a loved one. In order to cope with the loss, Will loses himself in the mundanity of routine. But, for better or for worse, a massive shift is coming for Will.
Simply put, Mazebook will A-MAZE you!
Ok, I’ve got the obvious pun out of the way. We can all move on with our lives.
But, seriously, Mazebook #1 continues to show why Jeff Lemire is one of the best in the business. And I’m not talking about the comics business. I’m talking about Art with a capital “A.” Lemire is a master at tapping into our deepest emotions–often the feelings that are not associated with endorphins–and allowing them to drive a story. In fact, I was so invested in the emotional rawness of this book that, when we got to the haunting hook, I had almost forgotten I was reading a comic. The book is about twice the length of your average comic and takes half the amount of time to read because the writing is so rich.
Along with writing duties, Lemire takes on the art as well, and it’s right in tune with his typical style that you might have fallen in love with in previous works like Sweet Tooth or Essex County. The art certainly adds to the emotional depth of the story, but where I think it really shines is the coloring. Will’s past is vibrant as he desperately clings to his memories; the present is as dull and monotonous as Will’s life appears to be.
Mazebook #1 is a poignant exploration of the listless feelings of loss that, at the same time, sets us up for a harrowing journey in future issues. Lemire masterfully lures you into the corridors of emotional agony before stunning you with a twist that reminds you why you invested–and will continue to invest–in this series.