Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Greg Capullo
Inker: Jonathan Glapion
Colorist: FCO Plascencia
Letterer: Tom Napolitano
Cover Artists: Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, FCO Plascencia
Editor: Marie Javins
Publisher: DC Comics
Dark Nights: Death Metal #1 brings the continuing battle of The Batman Who Laughs and Perpetua front and center. The story picks up after the events that transpired in Dark Nights: Metal and after Perpetua erased a universe in the current Justice League title. Here we find our main heroes in a dark and twisted reality where this is the true DC Universe. Unfortunately, the trinity are separated due to The Batman Who Laugh’s cunningness. However, there is nothing to fear because our heroes are not far from finishing the fight. A certain someone (who will not be named) reveals himself to Diana to aid her in the battle. With a plan in motion, one last fight will commence that just may be in our heroes’ favor.
Let me just say that I loved the first issue of Dark Nights: Death Metal #1. Scott Snyder’s (Batman) writing does not shy away from getting in-depth about what’s going on in the comic event. I believe fans (even those who are reading this) will appreciate the expansive explanation of what The Batman Who Laughs and Perpetua’s roles play. Simultaneously, Snyder amplifies how Perpetua fits into the overall plot and the significance of her being. He also connects plotlines that tie back to Geoff Johns’s Doomsday Clock. If you are not sure where I am coming from, I would suggest that fellow fans and readers catch up by reading Doomsday Clock and the ongoing Justice League issues. Furthermore, the story so far has suggested that the remaining issues will surely be a very wild and crazy experience that no one saw coming.
Notably, I liked the artwork of Greg Capullo (Spawn) and Jonathan Glapion’s inks (Birds of Prey). The comic is aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. Their work really showcases their skills as artists that can capture the essence of Snyder’s vision for the DCU. The way the characters are drawn just makes me want to stop for a moment to appreciate the craft. Accompanying the linework, FCO Plascencia’s (Spawn) colors bring out the fleeting hope that accompanies the presence of The Batman Who Laughs and then reels it back to heroism when Wonder Woman comes into view. To emphasize, the colors help the reader understand the importance of location and characters’ expressions. Napolitano’s (Batman: The Last Knight on Earth) lettering favors the dynamic distinction of unique characterization that is important for a story such as this. For example, through his lettering, we can peer into what kind of people we are dealing with. That can range from stoic, contempt, deranged, and disheartened. Without Napolitano onboard, I do not think the comic would have the same impact.
Overall, I enjoy where the comic is heading. I believe the event has just begun. People should really consider picking this one up, because I have a feeling something amazing will present itself.