One of the most sought after PSN features has arrived! After a successful completion of beta testing last fall, we all now have the option to change our usernames! Not everyone will want to, of course. People whose usernames are embarrassing (Capn_butt) or that no longer reflect their personality (Bieberfan1) can finally have another chance. The first change is free. Subsequent changes will cost USD 9.99/CAD (or $4.99 for PlayStation Plus members).
As we explained in our previous coverage of this feature, making name changes possible was a difficult feat and had not come without its challenges. Although they previously assured gamers that all games made after 1 April 2018 would be compatible with the name change, they admit that not all these games have been tested. They cannot guarantee that they will be unaffected. As for games published before that date, the PlayStation blog is maintaining a list of games that have shown issues and those that have been tested and proven compatible.
Before making the leap into your new PSN persona, make sure you check that none of the games you are currently playing will have problems with the name change. Problems can include loss of game progress, loss of purchased content, the game not running properly, and others. Changing back to your old username (which is free) usually fixes the issue, but not always and it must be done by contacting customer service. Sony is recommending that anyone who changes their name immediately check your games for issues and to report any issues found as soon as possible.