Hopefully all of our American listeners were able to enjoy some time with friends and family during this holiday week.

This Week Insha Fitzpatrick joins the show again as Michael and Anelise finish their move across the country.

We start out with the surprising news about Netflix optioning a Sandman series. We talk about if we think it is a good idea or not, how it may work as a series, and wonder why it was not put on the DC Universe.

We also talk about the recently announced Gremlins Animated series that will be making its way to the WB streaming service. We talk about why we are excited for it and what it might mean for the franchise as a whole.

Finally within news we talk about George RR Martin’s comments about toxic internet fandoms. Is he right? Is he wrong? We discuss that plus talk about fandoms in general.

After a great group of books last week, we find some real gems again this week.
First up is the new Lois Lane series from DC comics. We get to see Lois in her element as a bad ass investigative reporter. And we watch as she navigates putting herself at risk daily, dealing with working in a world where her male counterparts are treated much differently.

From there we dive into a world where the heroes have saved the world and there are no more threats. So what is a hero to do when all the villains are gone?

A space adventure where a father and son make their way across the universe delivering goods to far away worlds. But space is not always as safe and serene as one may hope.

Finally we wrap up with a comic that was almost impossible to explain, other than it was really good. Just listen to our thoughts on Test #1.

The Comics Agenda is hosted by Anelise (Twitter@Anelise.Farris ), Michael (Twitter@mokepf7), and Greg (Twitter@Comicsportsgeek). We discuss new comic book releases each week, in addition to news, movies, and tv.

You can reach us on Twitter @TheComicsAgenda or email us at TheComicsAgenda@gmail.com

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Gregory Brothers
Ohio born and raised. Avid comicbook fan who is always trying to find time to get through my ever growing read pile. When not working on that I Teach, coach youth sports, and cheer on my hometown Cincinnati teams, and Buckeyes. Can also be heard talking comics and pop-culture on The Comics Agenda Podcast.

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