I. Love. Bad. Jokes. I LOVE THEM. Really… Anything punny or ridiculous is right up my alley and I can be found cackling away at it for ages.

When I was asked if I wanted to review The Official DC Super Hero Joke Book, I immediately said yes, but my answer was more along the lines of “OH MY GOD, please give that to me RIGHT NOW” or something to that effect. You know, real classy like.

So what is The Official DC Super Hero Joke Book? Well, honestly, if you need an explanation then this is probably not the right book for you. But I will tell you anyways, just for the heck of it! The Official DC Super Hero Joke Book is an entire book of jokes that revolves around your favourite members of the Justice League and some of the villains too. Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and Robin are just a few of the frequent joke targets within this book as well as poor Aquaman who is perpetually picked on (I love you, Aquaman).

The jokes definitely revolve around the more well-known characters, which probably doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone. You can see a few of the examples of jokes within the book in the banner image at the top of the page to get an idea of just how cheesy we’re talking about in regards to these funnies.

It’s a low brow kind of fun book and exactly the kind of thing that I would’ve enjoyed as a kid… annnnnd continue to enjoy as an adult or whatever it is that I am.

I honestly don’t have a ton of feedback to provide, it’s genuinely hard to write a review for a joke book? So like, lemme break it down some more because I feel like that’s what a responsible reviewer would do:

Is it fun YES!
Is it funny? YES! (you know, depending on your Dad Joke level of humour)
Are there lots of jokes for your money? YES!
Will it make me and all of my friends and family groan? YES!

And there you have it!

Buy it!
It’s reaaaaaaal silly but it’s a super fun gift for a kid. I can picture my little cousins having endless laughing fits as they read through the funnies within the book and how much joy they would get from sharing them with the whole family and watching everyone else laugh too. I enjoyed the book for myself and for tormenting my boyfriend with bad jokes but I definitely think a younger audience would get the most out of this.

Stephanie Cooke
Stephanie is a Toronto based writer and editor. She's a comic book fan, avid gamer, movie watcher, lover of music, and sarcasm. She is a purveyor of too many projects and has done work for Talking Comics, JoBlo.com, Agents of Geek, Word of the Nerd, C&G Magazine, Dork Shelf, and more. Her writing credits include "Home Sweet Huck" (Mark Millar's Millarworld Annual 2017), "Lungarella (Secret Loves of Geek Girls, 2016), "Behind Enemy Linens" (BLOCKED Anthology, 2017), "Home and Country" (Toronto Comics Anthology, 2017) and more to come. You can read more about her shenanigans over on her <a href="http://www.stephaniecooke.ca">personal web site</a>.

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