Netflix has announced an upcoming TV show based on the classic Konami gaming franchise Castlevania. The game follows the adventures of vampire slaying Belmont Family as they hunt down and kill mystical and haunted creatures such as witches and vampires. The show was automatically greenlit for 2 seasons, with the first season being released in two parts starting later this year.
It is unsure weather or not the show will be live action or animated, although it is likely to be animated. Comments from the Frederator Network, the team behind Adventure Time, said they were involved with producing a show based on a hit video game. One of the executive producers listed is Adi Shankar, famous for his gritty fan-made Power Rangers film that took the internet by storm in 2015. Canadian website The Globe and Mail is also reporting that the legendary comic book writer Warren Ellis has written at least one episode of the series as well.
Castlevania has always been a corner stone of gaming since the original game release in 1986, and focused on eerie atmosphere, unforgiving difficulty, and extensive backtracking. The most recent game in the series, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 was released in 2014 for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Hopefully when the Netflix series comes out there will be an HD remaster of Super Castlevania IV or Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, which are widely regarded to be the best in the series.
No exact release date has been announced for Castlevania.