This month’s Collector Corps sees Marvel turn its attention to their Women of Power.
As is always the case Funko and Marvel have combined to make a great box of exclusive items you wont get anywhere else. The women of Power theme has allowed Marvel and Funko to shift focus to some of the ladies in the Marvel universe which is long overdue. Not since the Secret Wars month have we had a female figurine in the box, this month we get three!
The attention to detail with the box design is phenomenal with this edition adorned with comic book images of Spider*Gwen, Spider-Woman, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, Medusa and Thor.

For the first time Funko included two Mini Bobbleheads, one of She-Hulk and one of Captain Marvel. These are both fun additions to the box and my six year old daughter has already claimed these and added them to her own personal collection! She now wants me to buy her more. (shakes fist at Marvel for making adorable toys of female role models)

Also inside you’ll find a Spider-Woman pin badge and a Ms Marvel patch. Interestingly, Funko admit they originally wanted to use the “classic” Ms Marvel but Marvel asked them to make it Kamala Khan. I’m glad they did, the result is pretty good.

For me the T-Shirt is often the weak point in these boxes as they are designed by Funko, the characters on the Tee are usually a bobblehead version of the featured hero and as a result they don’t quite look right to me. This month however, we get a cool Spider*Gwen T-shirt in grey with a black logo and image. I’m actually wearing it as I type this. I love that recently created female, diverse characters are already taking to the fore here and long may this continue.
The star of the show in this box for me is the Squirrel Girl Vinyl Bobblehead complete with miniature Tippy-Toe. The attention to detail is amazing even down to the acorn earrings! My daughter tried to claim this too as did my other two younger children, but this one will be staying with me.

The one thing that is startlingly apparent is that this is the first collector corps box that was designed based on polls posted on social media. How heartening it is then that this box is so diverse and inclusive with female characters old and new equally represented. Well done Funko and Marvel, keep it up! August sees a switch to a Spider-Man theme, I for one will be keeping my subscription running!