Marvel Cinematic Origins Episode 7: I Double Dare You
We all know about the Marvel Cinematic Universe that was kicked off in 2008 with Iron Man. But what about the Marvel films and TV movies that came before the MCU and that aren’t technically a part of it?
In this podcast, we take a look, sometimes with excitement, sometimes with dread, at the films and TV movies that are part of what we have dubbed the “MCO” or “Marvel Cinematic Origins”.
We dive into the dark world of the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen by exploring the early influences of the Netflix show, compare the theatrical and director’s cut of Ben Affleck’s Daredevil and talk about the problem that is Elektra. Films covered: The Trial of the Incredible Hulk (1989), Daredevil (2003) theatrical version + Director’s Cut and Elektra (2005).
The MCO Team:
Paola Paulino @paopaulino
Keith Morris @KeithWTSMorris
Graham Engel