Marvel Cinematic Origins Episode 2: The Punishment
We all know about the Marvel Cinematic Universe that was kicked off in 2008 with Iron Man. But what about the Marvel films and TV movies that came before the MCU and that aren’t technically a part of it?
In this podcast, we take a look, sometimes with excitement, sometimes with dread, at the films and TV movies that are part of what we have dubbed the “MCO” or “Marvel Cinematic Origins”.
In our 2nd episode of Marvel Cinematic Origins, we take a look at all the different versions of the ultimate antihero: The Punisher.
There are three incarnations prior to the Netflix series, will any of them come close to the newest MCU Punisher? Find out here in the MCO as we review Dolph Lundgren, Thomas Jane and Ray Stevenson as they each take turn kicking ass and taking names.
The MCO Team:
Paola Paulino @paopaulino
Keith Morris @KeithWTSMorris
Graham Engel