The talented folks at Madius Comics have been busy! Save the date, because a Kickstarter is afoot! Here is the official announcement from the gentlemen themselves, Mr. Rob Jones and Mr. Michael Sambrook :
Launching on April 28th, Griff Bristle is a supernatural thriller comic with a punk rock tone and KICK-ASS DIVING SUITS!
Plus…ghosts, magic spears, whisky and BEARDS!
From the dastardly duo of Rob Jones and Mike Sambrook, writers of Madius Comics’ Papercuts and Inkstains #01 – 4 (“A breath of fresh air from British Comics” – Star
burst Magazine), Ramlock Investigates and the Ghastly Award nominated Tragic Tales of Horrere comes a new supernatural thriller in the vein of BPRD, Hellboy and Hellblazer.
Rob and Mike are teaming up with Cornish based art powerhouse Rory Donald, aka Reach Illustration (Cast Adrift – Papercuts and Inkstains #02, Timeworn Tales of Torment & Terror, Pigs Might Surf, The XT Tractor) and with an extra helping hand from designer Brad Holman (Madius Comics alumni, Average Joe) to bring you… GRIFF GRISTLE!
A 36 page supernatural thriller comic with a punk rock heart that takes tropes from horror and the supernatural
and puts them all at sea…
Something terrible is afoot in the sleepy fishing town of Charlsberg. Disappearances, strange lights and the town’s slow death all point to otherworldly goings on… Enter fisherman, mystic and all round spectral asskicker, Griff Gristle. Aided by Justine, the sister of one of the missing, Griff must track down the source of these disappearances and finds a lot more than he could ever have bargained for.
Coupled with the first story of Here Be Monsters in issue one is the short, “Love Story” which sees Griff face up to a ghost from his past…
This is our first Kickstarter project, and Griff was always meant to be that. We’ve self published for the past year to get to grips with independently producing comics, learning how they are made and produced and we’ve been staggered by the response we’ve received from the projects we’ve launched through Madius. We feel a kickstarter will give us a great opportunity to deliver a bigger, broader scoped story to those who are already familiar with our work and also open up the opportunity for those who aren’t familiar with us to get in on a project that we feel is some of our best work.
We want to treat each and every one of you like a good friend, Hell…you’re realising our dreams by backing this, so expect to be on our Christmas card list. (Mike wears varying shades of thong…) We will do our utmost to ensure that the experience you get from backing us is a positive ride of ghost-less proportions. We’re proud to put our names to this, we’re proud of the work that every individual has put into this comic and especially proud to receive the backing of you fine ladies and gents.
The comic artwork is completely finished, it’s lettered, edited, PDF’d and PRETTY DAMN FINE! It’s all polished and ready to be printed, all we need is the backing of sexy individuals such as you!
The campaign is to fund a decent payment for Mr Donald, for his spectacular art skills, and for us to fund the production and printing of this book and its subsequent packaging and delivering to you. If we have some left over, then that will be put towards creating issue two!
We’ve printed 11 other books ourselves, which have gone without a hitch and have released comics independently for the past year through Madius Comics.
We use UK based printers, to make the process of us getting the books in our hands as speedy and efficient as possible, plus, they’re the best printers we know…we’d only want the best for you! Except you, Marv…you know what you did…
(All preview content is subject to change and copyright of Madius Comics, Michael Sambrook, Rob Jones and Rory Donald.)
Please support indie comics and creators and visit this link on April 28th. There are supercool rewards (only some of which are shown below) and you will be furthering the geekiness of the human race. Perhaps evolution will catch up at some point…
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