Harbinger Renegade #5

Writer: Rafer Roberts
Penciler: Darick Robertson
Inker: Richard Clark
Colorist: Diego Rodriguez
Letterer: Simon Bowland
Publisher : Valiant

A review by Josh Rose

Its finally here! After weeks of advertising and teasing the death of a mysterious Valiant Icon, we get to find out who it is. That’s not callous of me at all (that was sarcasm), but holy crap it still surprised me! They meant it when they said no one was safe in Harbinger Renegade #5.

The H.A.R.D. Corps have a new mission: Liberate an American city from the super-powered adolescents known as Generation Zero. It was supposed to be a quick mission with the element of surprise, but Generation Zero was ready and waiting for them turning it into a bloodbath. As soon as it starts, its just as quickly over.

Harbinger Renegade #5 was exactly what was advertised. Brutal. It was violent and bloody, the beginning of the upcoming Harbinger War. Rafer Roberts weaves his way through the battle, showing both sides, the “terrorists” and the “government’s mercenaries”, revealing each sides motivations as they tear each other apart.

Darick Robertson’s art in Harbinger Renegade #5 is fantastic as he shows off the brutality of the fight, and the destruction the characters cause to the city. I love how this dark and gritty issue contrasts with the character Animalia’s power to turn into cartoon animals. Diego Rodriguez’s colours are amazing especially in the smoke and fire. Rodriguez’s colours do their job, drawing your eyes to the main action in each panel. Red is a common colour used in this issue. There is a lot of rage being vented by both sides of the conflict and so it is suitably used, but not overused.

The Verdict
Buy It! Harbinger Renegade #5 is an amazing lead in to Harbinger Wars 2. It sets the stage for H.A.R.D. Corps, the Harbinger Renegades, Toyo Harada, and what’s left of Generation Zero to clash. If you’re not interested in upcoming events, you should be checking this out for the fast paced action. Massacre is an apt title for this story arc one that I don’t want to miss out on.

Josh Rose
Basically a hobbit, Josh is always enjoying food and drink, and going on unexpected adventures. Beware if you see him without a cup of coffee: caffeination deprivation makes this boy go loco.

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