In the troubled waters off Somalia, a rag-tag group of marine scientists studying a pack of female great white sharks find themselves caught in a conflict between pirates and the might of the US Navy. But why is the CIA so interested in the work of the scientists? And just how will they face up to the shadowy terror of the legendary great white known as Hookjaw?
Titan Comics are thrilled to announce that Hookjaw, the classic killer great white shark, is being re-imagined by comic superstar Si Spurrier!
Coming to comic stores in December, the five issue mini-series is written by Si Spurrier (Cry Havoc, Weavers, Doctor Who, Numbercruncher), illustrated by Conor Boyle, colours by Giulia Brusco, and edited by legendary British comics editor and marine life expert artist, Steve White.
The mini-series is set to be an intense modern iteration of the titular ocean predator, which debuted in the British comic Action #1. Initially inspired by the success of the film Jaws, Hookjaw was one of many Action strips so violent that it was banned from the shelves upon release!
The razor-sharp new title re-surfaces with a range of variant covers to collect from phenomenal artists including: Conor Boyle, John McCrea (The Mummy), Marc Laming (Uncanny Avengers), Anna Dittmann, and Steve White.
Hookjaw #1 will be on sale in comic stores and for digital devices this December.