A gust of wind scattered leaves throughout the room as a dark shadow crept across the floor. I held my arms in front of my face to shield my eyes from the debris floating in the draft. When the air calmed I dropped my arms to my sides, and there, lit only by the moon, you stood in my doorway. Beams of light glinted off of your metallic armor as you stepped closer. Your hair was teased more than a nerd in middle school and it allowed you to tower over me. Though I was desperate to find my recently vanished baby brother I was awestruck by your androgynous beauty.
And then I awoke.
I still remember the day Jareth The Goblin King entered my life. I was six years old and my parents had just returned from Disneyland. Yes, you read that right. My sister and I were left behind as both of my parents went to the happiest place on Earth. I’m still bitter. Regardless, upon their return they had brought gifts. It was my first souvenir. Reaching behind the couch, they produced a 3 foot tall Mickey Mouse doll and handed it to my younger sister. They insisted that she pull the string hanging out of his fuzzy felted back and upon doing so, Mickey gave his trademark chuckle. I was instantly jealous. How were they going to top that?
Then from behind my father’s back came a VHS tape. It was so much smaller than my sister’s gift.
I took it in my small hands and dropped my eyes to the cover. It was beautiful. A woman in a flowing white dress stood front and centre and looking over her was a man with the biggest hair I had ever seen. I raised my eyes to my parents again with a look of gratitude and confusion. I was thankful for the gift but I was confused as to why they would think that this tape could provide me with as much joy as a giant stuffed Mickey Mouse doll.
I remember not watching it immediately, forgoing it for back to back episodes of Sesame Street. And then late one rainy day it caught my eye once more, sitting unassumingly next to our 24inch CRT television. It was time.
I popped in the tape and after 6 previews and a little bit of fidgeting with the tracking, I was transported to another realm. A realm of goblins and fairies and you. You, you beautiful man with your shimmering capes and your tight pants. I was on the edge of my seat as Sarah attempted to conquer your labyrinth and save her brother. Your music bewitched me and I did dance, magic, dance. I befriended the troublesome yet lovable Hoggle, the brawny yet childlike Ludo, the sassy yet overbearing Didymus. We all went on a journey together.
It was you though, you, that I was doing this for. Yes, you were the one holding Toby hostage and that was super uncool but you were also holding my heart hostage and I was very much okay with it.
My love for you may have laid dormant in the oubliette of my soul but it will always bubble and smolder for you like the bog of eternal stench.